UP’s Bareilly Files like The Kerala Story: Pandit Shankhadhar converted 78 Muslim girls to Hinduism, then got them married to their lovers; life threatening now

BareillyOne hour ago

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At present Sudipto Sen’s The Kerala Story film is in discussion. It is shown in the film how people associated with the terrorist organization ISIS target Hindu and Christian girls and then convert them to Islam and send them to Syria. The director calls it a film based on true events. On the contrary, a true story is going on in Bareilly. Here Muslim girls are made Hindu and then they are married to their Hindu lovers.

This work of conversion and marriage is done by Acharya Pandit KK Shankhadhar of Agastya Muni Ashram of Madinath. In the last 10 years, 78 girls have been converted and married. How did it start? How are people reaching Shankhdhar? What is the process of marriage? What is the danger? Dainik Bhaskar’s team reached KK Shankhadhar’s ashram to know all such questions. Let’s know the whole story from the beginning…

Do not open the gate without complete information

Madinath of Bareilly is a Hindu majority area. We reached the house of Krishna Kumar Sharma alias KK Shankhdhar through the streets. A bike was parked outside. In which Member National Executive was written on the number plate and a stick was placed in front of the bike itself. We rang the bell of the house. A voice came from inside – who? We told about ourselves. When he was convinced, the iron gate opened. The gate openers were Shankhadhar’s son and another person.

The first question we asked when we went inside was why so much investigation? Pandit Shankhdhar says, “There is a danger to life. I have received threats many times. People chase me outside, so now I do not go outside. Even if someone comes, I invite them inside only after checking them.” After that we came straight to the point and further conversation started.

The series started with the message of ‘Hindu cheats’
Pandit KK Shankhdhar is originally from Paramkup village of Rampur. Moved to Bareilly 40 years ago and became a priest in Agastya Muni Ashram. Father and grandfather also used to do the work of worship. He calls himself a nationalist and is associated with Hindu organisations. Pandit KK Shankhdhar remains active on social media. In 2013, he started the work of getting Muslim girls married to Hindu boys from a message on Facebook.

Shankhdhar says, “A girl named Simmi Khan was connected in my Facebook. She messaged me that you are traitors and traitors just because you are a Hindu. I found the message strange, so I asked, daughter, what happened to you that you say this? Have you been? I gave him my number and told him to tell me the whole thing on the phone. He told me that I am definitely a Muslim but a devotee of Krishna, I am also wearing his locket around my neck. I was in love with a Hindu boy. We married him. Made all kinds of relationships with him but now he is not ready for marriage. I took complete information about the girl from that girl and called her.

Both the girl and the boy were from Bareilly. The girl was the daughter of a fourth class employee living in Judges Colony. Shankhadhar went there and got all the information. Then met the boy’s family. The family used to say that how will we Hindus eat bread made by a Muslim girl? The family did not agree to the marriage at all. Meanwhile, the girl gave an application to the DIG. After which the family itself reached Shankhadhar and talked about the marriage of the son with a Muslim girl. Shankhadhar made that girl a Hindu and then got her married.

It is Shyama who poses as Shalini and then marries her lover Vipin.

It is Shyama who poses as Shalini and then marries her lover Vipin.

  • This was the first marriage. After this the same couple got another similar marriage done. This caravan left from here.

Got 35 marriages done in 8 years and 40 marriages in last one year only
Shankhdhar explains, “After 2013, every year sometimes Hindu boys and sometimes Muslim girls approached and talked about marriage. We checked documents related to their age and got them married. By 2022 this number had reached around 35 but after that There was a boom in this. In the last one year only about 40 girls got married.

We asked how do people contact you? Shankhdhar says, “Most people contact through social media. There are some who come through them whose marriages I have arranged earlier. There are also people from Bareilly and many people from outside Bareilly as well.” Before reading further, check out this important graphic on conversions in the country.

Do youths get trained to woo Muslim girls?
We asked Shankhdhar, you got 78 Muslim girls married to their Hindu lovers. Do you train Hindu boys for this? In response, he says, there is nothing like that. Hindus don’t work like this anywhere but Muslim sections do work like this. What is shown in Kerala Story is not only the reality of Kerala but the situation of the whole world. To go to heaven, these people are ready to do every wrong thing in the world. For this every work against humanity is justified.

Talking about conversions in Bareilly, Shankhdhar says, “Here also Muslim boys target Hindu girls. They want to trap them by any means. They want to convert them to Islam. By doing this, they will make their life hell. Girls who are educated in Islam also want to come out.”

We said, is it certain that those whose marriages you got married with Hindu boys are now happy? Shankhdhar says for this you can talk to these people. We talked to Sukhpal of Rithora in Bareilly. Sukhpal was married to Shabana two years back. Sukhpal tells that everything went well. All the cases are over. But neither we go to Shabana’s house nor Shabana goes to her house now. This time Shabana was made to contest the election of the councilor but she lost the election by about 100 votes.

This is the photo of Shabana's election campaign.

This is the photo of Shabana’s election campaign.

  • We talked to two more boys. At this time everyone is living together but no one has any relation with his in-laws. Even girls don’t go to their homes anymore.

Law on change of religion then how from Muslim to Hindu
When we asked KK Shankhdhar about the change of religion, then he says, now a law has been made on the change of religion, so any girl who tells us about her marriage, we tell her to give an affidavit and prayer letter of change of religion to the District Magistrate. Are. After getting approval from there, they are asked to come here with the paper they get.

After taking permission from DM, when the girl goes to Shankhadhar’s ashram to get married, he first makes her recite Gayatri Mantra three times. Gangajal is sprinkled on the girl. Then they give him Ganges water and cow urine. After this, they get her married through Vedic mantras. According to Shankhdhar, in most of the cases the boys have family members but no one used to come from the girls house. There were only 2-3 marriages in which someone from the girl’s family had come.

  • So far we have come to know about getting marriages done by Shankhadhar. Now let’s know what changed in their life after these marriages.

There was a plan to kill with Kamlesh Tiwari
On 18 October 2018, Kamlesh Tiwari, chief of the Hindu Samaj Party, was murdered in Lucknow. The killers were also associated with Shankhdhar with fake IDs on Facebook. Shankhdhar says that during that time he received a message that Guruji, we are going to meet Kamlesh Tiwari. Your house is also on the way. You too go and meet. I refused to go with him citing some work. The very next day news came that Kamlesh Tiwari had been brutally murdered.

Apart from this, suspicious people are often seen following me. Many times people call as journalists, tell their name as Hindu, but their name shows something else in mobile. Their language is also different. That is why I have demanded protection.

Stuck in the matter of getting a minor married
Shankhadhar also got a minor Muslim girl married. On which there was a lot of uproar. Shankhadhar says, the girl had brought Aadhaar card, voter ID card and e-labour card. He was over 18 in that. We got the marriage done but later her family filed a complaint claiming she was minor in the marksheet after which the girl was sent to a juvenile home.

Shankhadhar has kept the documents of all the marriages he has conducted so far.

Shankhadhar has kept the documents of all the marriages he has conducted so far.

what is the stand on kerala story
Pandit Shankhadhar says, I have not seen the Kerala story, but what I have heard and seen the footage shows that what was shown is not wrong. A section is organizing and trapping Hindu girls and destroying them. I caution girls.

At present, what Shankhdhar is doing, he says that he should do it completely right and within the legal framework. Now he has made his own house an ashram. Live at home only. Do not go out anywhere. People come through phone and after checking the documents, get them married. The police is watching, but when the boys and girls agree, they too cannot do anything.

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