Uproar over giving ‘Halal tea’ in the train in the month of Sawan

NEW DELHI. A video is going viral on social media Twitter. In this, passengers are seen arguing about Halal certification. A scuffle broke out between a railway employee and a passenger over Halal-certified tea being served in the train. In the video, the passenger is asking the employee that what is Halal certified. His month of Sawan is going on. It is not clear which train is in the video.

Railway employee trying to convince the passenger that tea is vegetarian anyway, so there is nothing to worry about. On this, the passenger clearly says that no one should play with his feelings and take this matter to the top, it is a matter of playing with his religious sentiments. Instead of Halal certified tea, give us Swastik certified tea.

In the viral video, the passenger is saying that ‘the month of Sawan is going on, and you are giving me Halal certified tea. We have to worship. Examining the tea packaging, the officer says, ‘Look here, what is this? An angry passenger says, ‘You explain what is Halal-certified. We should know. We know about the ISI certificate. What is this Halal-certificate?

Railway official explains to the angry passenger, ‘ This is Masala Chai Premix and he further explains that it is 100% vegetarian. On this the passenger says but what is Halal certified? I have to worship after this. Then the officer asks are you making a video.

After the video went viral, a round of discussions has started on social media. Till now more than 50 thousand people have seen this video on Twitter. Many people are raising the question that why tea premix has become required for Halal certification and why Railways is promoting such a product. Many people have demanded to stop this immediately.

what is halal certification

Halal certification was first introduced in 1974 for slaughtered meats. Till 1993 it was applied only on meat products. Then it was extended to other foods and cosmetics, medicines etc. In Arabic, halal means permissible and halal-certified refers to food prepared in compliance with Islamic law.

Halal meat refers to the meat of an animal that has been killed by severing the jugular vein. He was not killed in one blow. In 2022, a petition was filed in the Supreme Court demanding a complete ban on Halal certification and it was said that due to 15% of the population, the fundamental rights of 85% of the citizens are being violated.

Sabhar Media

The post Uproar over ‘Halal tea’ in the month of Sawan, passenger asks for Swastik tea, video viral appeared first on Rail Hunt.