Unique case of theft: A family of Mumbai found stolen gold after 22 years, now its value is more than 8 crores

Mumbai30 minutes ago

If goods worth 13 lakhs are stolen and if they are found to be 8 crores, then you will call it theft or investment? A similar case has come to the fore in Mumbai. In fact, shortly after the theft took place 22 years ago, the police had recovered the stolen gold, but due to legal complications, it could not be found by the family. Now the court has given the final verdict in favor of the complainant.

A gold coin, two gold bracelets and two ingots weighing 100 grams and 200 milligrams were stolen from the house of Arjan Daswani, owner of famous fashion brand Chirag Din here, in 1998. Then their price was 13 lakh rupees. After the order of the court, now this gold has been returned to Arjan’s son Raju Daswani.

Entire family was taken hostage in 1998 theft
The theft took place on May 8, 1998 at Arjan Daswani’s Colaba house. A gang of robbers first injured the security guard with a sharp weapon and then took the entire Daswani family hostage, took the keys of the vault from them and stole the gold. A few days after this incident, the police had arrested three accused and all three were convicted in the year 1999.

This gold was in government custody
Some stolen gold was recovered from the arrested accused. Three other accused are still absconding in this case. In such a situation, the court had ordered to keep the gold in police custody till his arrest. However, when the absconding accused were not arrested, the complainant had appealed to get the gold back.

Waiting for years to get your property back is wrong: Court
Raju Daswani presented the documents related to this property in the court, on the basis of which it was confirmed that this gold belonged to him. The judge in his judgment said that there is no point in keeping this property in police custody. No progress has been made in the arrest of the two absconding accused in all these years. The court said that if a complainant continues to wait for years to get his property back, it will be a mockery of justice and an abuse of the process of law.

Raju’s sisters living in Canada and the US are the legal heirs of the property, he had given a no-objection certificate to his brother on the gold being given. After which it has now been handed over to Raju.

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