Union Minister got angry when Mike broke down: Ashwini Choubey pushed the volunteer of Sant Samagam; scolding hand snatched mic

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  • Union Minister Of State Angry On Stage… Snatched Mic From The Operator, Ashwini Choubey, Angry During His Address At Sanatan Sanskriti Samagam In Buxar, Deteriorated Due To Bad Mic

Buxar2 hours ago

Union Minister of State Ashwini Choubey got angry during a program organized at Sanatan Sanskriti Samagam in Buxar. Ashwini Choubey was speaking from the stage, suddenly the sound stopped coming from the mic in the podium. His anger was on the seventh heaven on such a matter. On this, the stage operator got upset.

The stage manager immediately gave him another mike. Which in anger the BJP MP snatched from his hand and also pushed him. Not only this, he turned the mic on the podium completely in anger.

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The video of Union Minister of State losing his temper is going viral on social media. This video is from Saturday. Where Ashwini Choubey Gussa participated in the program organized by Shri Ram Karmabhoomi Nyas. Actually, Jiyar Swami was conducting the Pragya Pravah being done by the saints. During this, he gave Ashwini Choubey two minutes to speak. For this, as soon as he reached near the podium, when he wanted to speak, no sound came out from the mike.

In anger, Ashwini Choubey completely turned the mic on the podium.

Before the beginning of every program, there is the address of the Union Minister of State
As the Sanatan Sanskriti Samagra in Buxar is moving towards its conclusion, the crowd of people is increasing. In the morning from 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock, the juice of Bhagwat is being served to the devotees by Annatacharya ji. The same program of Pragya Pravah is being done from 12 o’clock to three o’clock in the afternoon. Ram Katha is being done by Rambhadracharya ji at 3 pm till 6 pm.

The Union Minister of State snatched the mike from the hand of the stage operator.

The Union Minister of State snatched the mike from the hand of the stage operator.

Before the start of any program, be it a story or a cultural program, Union Minister of State Ashwini Choubey must have a two-three minute address to the people present. On the other hand, in the afternoon, during Pragya Pravah, when he reached the mike to speak, he got upset due to bad mike and vented his anger on the one who arranged the story.

Annoyed by the failure of the mic, the BJP MP also gave a slight push to the stage operator.

Annoyed by the failure of the mic, the BJP MP also gave a slight push to the stage operator.

Big leaders also gathered with saints

The eyes of the country are fixed on the Sanatan Sanskriti Samagam being held at Ahirauli, the place of salvation of Buxar-Ahilya. Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari will arrive on November 14 in addition to the Chief Minister of 9 states, Governor of 5 states, Deputy Chief Minister of 2 states in this program which will run till 15th November. On the other hand, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will also arrive on November 15.

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