Uniform Civil Code will affect 13 cases: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Laws Of Inheritance Of Hindus And Parsis, Polygamy Of Muslims And Age Of Marriage Will Be Changed

New Delhi13 minutes agoAuthor: Pawan Kumar

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The Central Government has sought opinion from the people on the Uniform Civil Code i.e. Uniform Civil Code (UCC). Regarding which discussions have started across the country. Some oppose, while some have started justifying it. Dainik Bhaskar spoke to legal experts on the basis of the template made on the basis of people’s suggestions and the recommendation of the Law Commission. He says that UCC will have 13 types of effects on people.

Age of marriage: The UCC template proposes to make marriageable age uniform for girls of all religions. At present, the age of marriage for girls in many religions and in many Scheduled Tribes is below 18. If the UCC is implemented, the marriageable age of all girls will go up, so that they can graduate before marriage.

2 Marriage Registration Mandatory: It is not yet mandatory to register marriages in Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Buddhist, Jain and many other religions in India. People register only when they have to go abroad as husband and wife. The UCC suggests that registration of marriages should be mandatory in all religions. Without this the benefit of government facility will not be given.

3 Prohibition of polygamy: At present, the personal laws of many religions and communities recognize polygamy. Three marriages are allowed, especially in the Muslim community. Once the UCC is implemented, polygamy will be completely banned.

4 Halala and Iddat over- After divorce in Muslim personal law, if the husband and wife want to remarry and live together, then Muslim women have to go through procedures like Halala and Iddat. If the suggestions of UCC are implemented by making a law, then all this will end. There will be no compulsion of these laws.

5 Rules of Divorce: There are many such grounds between wife and husband for taking divorce, which are different for both. The UCC suggests that the same grounds of divorce should apply to husband and wife.

6 Maintenance: After getting the compensation amount after the death of the husband, the wife remarries and the parents of the deceased are left destitute. The UCC suggests that if compensation is given to the widowed wife, the responsibility of maintaining the old in-laws will also be on her. If she remarries, compensation will be given to the old parents of the deceased.

7 Maintenance of mother-in-law-father-in-law: If the wife dies and there is no one to take care of the mother-in-law, then the person will have to bear their responsibility.

8 Adoption rights: The personal laws of some religions currently prevent women in the country from adopting a child. With the enactment of UCC, Muslim women will also get the right to adopt a child.

9 Maintenance of children: After the death of the parents, many greedy relatives become the guardians of the children. They leave the children destitute by usurping the property. The UCC suggests that the process of guardianship of orphan children should be simplified and strengthened.

10 Succession Laws: In many religions, girls do not have equal rights in property. UCC suggests equal rights for all. If a Parsi girl marries a non-Parsi, then all property and other rights are taken away from her. Hindu girls will get equal share in the property. There will be a change in succession laws in other religions.

11 Population control: Population control is also suggested in UCC. There is no law regarding the number of children in India. Personal law boards of some religions oppose limiting the number of children. The UCC suggests that the number of children born should be limited. On breaking the rules, the benefits of government facilities should be denied, so that population explosion can be stopped.

12 Custody of children: The UCC draft also suggests that if there is a dispute between the husband and wife over the custody of the children, then the custody of the children should be given to the grandparents.

13 Live-in relationship: At present, live-in relationship is not a crime in the country. But the UCC template suggests its regulation. If the UCC law is made, it will be mandatory for those living in live-in relationships to declare it. This information will also be given to the parents of both the boy and the girl.

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