UNICEF Day, December 11, 2023: History, Significance, and Quotes to Share – News18

Published By: Nibandh Vinod

Last Updated: December 11, 2023, 06:20 IST

UNICEF aims to “protect the rights of every child, everywhere”. (Image: Shutterstock)

UNICEF was first formed on December 11, 1946 to meet the needs of children affected by World War II.

UNICEF or United Nations Children’s Fund is a humanitarian organisation under the aegis of the United Nations (UN). UNICEF aims to “protect the rights of every child, everywhere”. It is considered to be one of the most recognizable charities in the world, with several celebrity ambassadors and a staff of over 13,000 people. UNICEF was first formed as the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund on December 11, 1946, to meet the needs of children affected by World War II. By the 1950s, UNICEF expanded its mandate and began addressing “the long-term needs of children and women in developing countries everywhere.”

History And Significance

In 1953, UNICEF’s full form changed to United Nations Children’s Fund but its original acronym UNICEF remained. Now each year, December 11 is marked as UNICEF Day to celebrate the founding of one of the world’s largest aid organisations.

In the last 76 years since its foundation, UNICEF has established its presence in 192 countries and territories around the world. It is known for working in conflict zones and underdeveloped areas on issues like improving child health via vaccinations, promoting education, providing emergency relief, preventing child abuse, and improving maternal health.

UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donations. It is the world’s largest provider of vaccines. In 2022 alone, UNICEF raised $7.4 billion in goods and services for children in 162 countries.

Quotes And Wishes

  1. Everyone deserves the best start in life, which is what UNICEF is working to provide the world’s most vulnerable children. Education is essential to a child’s development. I hope that as an Ambassador I can encourage people to join UNICEF’s mission to make education a reality for children throughout the world. – Clay Aiken
  2. If we nurture the dreams of children, the world will be blessed. If we destroy them, the world is doomed! – Wess Stafford
  3. I believe deeply that children are more powerful than oil, more beautiful than rivers, more precious than any other natural resource a country can have. I feel that the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life is to be associated with UNICEF. – Danny Kaye
  4. My plea is a plea to save the children. Too many of them walk with pain and fear, in loneliness and despair. Children need sunlight. They need kindness and refreshment and affection. Every home, regardless of the cost of the house, can provide an environment of love which will be an environment of salvation. – Gordon B. Hinckley
  5. UNICEF Day should bring a smile to the face of every child. Let us all together work to make that happen—a happy UNICEF day to you and your family.
  6. Let us make this day a memorable one by making ourselves involved in giving a better life to the children. Have a happy celebration.
  7. Not only today, but every day should be equally celebrated as UNICEF day. We should all work together and be a part of this beautiful cause behind celebrating this day.