‘Understanding diagrams properly is key to solving biology paper’ | Nagpur News – Times of India

Biology includes the study of plants, animals, ecology, environment, evolution, reproduction, genetics, physiology etc which are part of nature and our lives.
So, studying nature is actually the learning biology, hence it is included in life science. Make your learning easier by comparing the above topics with everyday examples. The maximum biology portion is based on diagrams, and, therefore, understanding structures is key to understanding the theory.
The paper pattern is divided into four sections — A, B, C, and D. Students are advised to start each section from a new page and solve section-wise without mixing the sections.
Section A comprises two sub-sections. In the first sub-section, 10 multiple choice questions of one mark each will be asked. In the second sub-section, eight very short answers of one mark each are expected, so write them particularly and relevantly.
In section B, students will come across 12 short answer questions wherein they have to attempt any eight carrying two marks each. A similar pattern will be seen with section C, where eight answers are to be written each carrying a weight of three marks.
The last section D comprises five long answers questions, where students have a choice and can solve any three, carrying four marks each. In all the theoretical portions write according to pointwise manner.
Definitions, botanical names, zoological names, diagrams and their labeling should be perfect. Make differences between the complex topics to avoid confusion. Prepare one-word answers, match the following and blank filling like questions from example-related topics.
Make classification and flow charts of chapters to recall easily and prepare notes for quick reference of your weaker topics. Refer to the terminology and keywords of the board pattern and attempt the paper as per the required HSC standards.
(The writer, Manisha Saareis a biology lecturer at Ambedkar College)

Paper Snapshot

· Subject – Biology
· Board – State Board, Std XII (HSC)
· Total marks – 70
· Duration – 3 hours 30 minutes

Last-minute revision tips

· Focus on diagram, terminologies and definitions
· Make quick notes of weaker topics for revision
· Solve previous year’s question papers