UK Approves Extradition Of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange To US On Spying Charges

New Delhi: The government of United Kingdom on Friday approved request by the United States for extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to face criminal charges. Assange has been framed on 18 different charges by the US government which includes spying charges.

The nod for Assange’s extradition to the US was given by British interior minister Priti Patel

The Home Office said his extradition had now been approved but he could still appeal the decision. WikiLeaks said he would.

“On 17 June, following consideration by both the magistrates court and High Court, the extradition of Mr. Julian Assange to the US was ordered. Mr. Assange retains the normal 14-day right to appeal,” a UK Home Office spokesperson said.

“In this case, the UK courts have not found that it would be oppressive, unjust or an abuse of process to extradite Mr Assange,” the Home Office said in a statement, reported news agency Reuters.

The 50-year-old Australian national is facing apying charges over the alleged leak of classified documents related to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Assange’s legal team is now going forward with a counter appeal against the decision which is expected to initate another round of legal battle.

While on one hand, Assange’s extradition request has been approved his supporters, on the other side, say that he is anti-extablishment hero who has been a victim because of he exposed the wrongdoing by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan, adding that his prosecution is politically motivated assault on journalism and free speech, as per report by Reuters.