Two girl students will marry in Panipat: both are relatives; 19 year old girl student will change name and gender to become husband

Panipat6 hours ago

The love between two girl students of Panipat, Haryana grew to such an extent that they ran away from their homes and reached an NGO in Delhi and were determined to get them married to the team there. Regarding which the NGO members contacted Panipat District Women Protection and Child Marriage Prohibition Officer Rajni Gupta.

After which both were called to Panipat Mahila police station. Here the officer tried to pacify her, but she kept saying that both love each other with all their heart and want to live like husband and wife.

Sent both to Delhi NGO
Due to the stubbornness of the girls, their families were informed. After which, on the condition of both of them being adults, the family members and the officials gave their consent in their consent and took it in writing from both the sides and sent them again to Delhi NGO. where she is now living.

Let us tell you that on September 6, 2018, the Supreme Court has excluded consensual same-sex relationships from the category of crime. Along with this, the provision of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), under which homosexual relations were not allowed, was also removed.

both distant relatives
Giving information, Women Protection Officer Rajni Gupta said that this is a love story of two girl students of the same community studying in two different colleges of the city. Both are also related in distant kinship. There is a 20-year-old BSC medical final year student and a 19-year-old student studying in another college.

Both got attached and swore to live and die together. Both consulted among themselves, after which the 19-year-old student decided to change her gender. He will become a husband and a 20 year old student will become his wife. But, when social methods came in the way of living like this, they took the help of police and NGO.

The cost of getting gender changed will be around 4 lakhs.
The girl student, who agreed to play the role of husband during the counselling, said that she would convince her family members to change her gender. He says that he has come to know that the gender change operation costs 3-4 lakh rupees. If needed, it will work to raise money.

Free stay and food for 2 months
Till the gender change is done, she will remain in Delhi’s NGO. According to the rules of the NGO, there is free accommodation and food for 2 months in such cases. After this special permission is taken to stay there. Which is not available to everyone. For these 2 months, she will try to collect the money.

Both broke ties with their families
Both of them have severed ties with their families by giving written statements to the authorities and NGOs stating that they are adults. After which the family members also told them not to say anything in future as an assurance. Also wrote that they too will never contact both now.

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