Tumor is active in breast cancer patient while sleeping: cells jump and reach the blood, forming lumps in other organs

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  • Women
  • The Cells Reach The Blood By Jumping, They Form Lumps In Other Organs

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Cancer cells remain normal when the human body remains active. But while sleeping, these cells keep stirring inside the body. This is the reason that if a tumor is detected at one place, there is a possibility of tumor formation at another place.

A research report published in the journal ‘The Nature’ states that there are more such cells in breast cancer than in any other cancer. When these cancer cells reach the blood, it does not take long for tumors to form in other organs as well. These cells are considered the most dangerous in medical science. This process is called metastasis.

Nicole Ecto, a cancer biologist and one of the researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, said that cancer cells are more active at night than during the day. The research is important because it shows which direction the cells are moving.

According to scientists, the body has an internal clock that is controlled by genes. This shows all the processes happening in the body, including metabolism and sleep. Scientists had previously speculated that cancer cells are so mature that they are not affected by this body clock. But research on rats reversed this thinking. Whether it is day or night, that is, cancer cells also grow according to the time.

After this research, scientists selected 30 women suffering from breast cancer. Blood samples were taken twice. 4 in the morning and 10 in the morning. In the investigation, it was found that 80 percent of the CTC levels were increased in the sample at 4 am. That is, at 4 in the morning, cancer cells were growing when people were sleeping.

This research is important in cancer detection

Researchers say physicians have to be more careful when they track cancer. If blood samples are taken during the day, cancer cells may not be caught. Doctors check the CTC level, which is a type of biopsy, to detect cancer. This shows whether the tumor has formed from cancer cells.

need to sleep

Scientists say that the result of this research is not that women suffering from breast cancer should get less sleep. 8 hours of sleep is essential for the body’s metabolism. Some recent research has made it clear that people with cancer who get less sleep have a higher risk of dying prematurely.

Breast cancer cases increasing rapidly in India

Among 29 different types of cancer, most breast cancer cases are being reported. Earlier, cases of breast cancer used to come more in urban areas, but now women are suffering from it in rural areas. The worrying thing is that 20 to 22 year old girls are also suffering from breast cancer. There can be many reasons behind suffering from breast cancer at an early age in India as compared to developed countries. But lack of awareness, reaching the doctor in the last stage, lack of screening centers etc. are also major reasons.

Breast cancer in 25 out of one lakh women

According to a 2017 data, 25 out of every one lakh Indian women are suffering from breast cancer. More than half of these women also die. Specific genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been identified for breast cancer. Although lifestyle disturbances and obesity, these two reasons are also being linked to breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most deadly of all cancers in Indian women.

According to a research in the Lancet journal, only 66 percent of Indian women who were diagnosed with breast cancer between 2010 and 2014 survived. That is, the survival rate in India is 66 percent while in America and Australia it is above 90 percent.

Women come in the third-fourth stage

According to the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research, the main reason for the low survival rate of women with breast cancer in India is the lack of cancer awareness and delay in treatment. Compared to western countries, Indian women come for screening in the third or fourth stage, by the time the tumor increases significantly.

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