Trying to destabilize the Himachal government: Minister Vikramaditya said – BJP is spoiling the atmosphere by taking the name of Ajit Pawar

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PWD Minister Vikramaditya Singh

Himachal’s Public Works, Youth Services and Sports Minister (PWD) Vikramaditya Singh said that attempts are being made to destabilize the government. In the name of Ajit Pawar, claims are being made that situation like Maharashtra will be created in Himachal. He has advised BJP leaders to avoid such rhetoric.

Vikramaditya Singh said that Himachal is the land of God. It does not follow the path shown by someone else. Himachal is the trend-setter state for the country. The people of the state have shown the way to the country. After this, the victory of Congress has started in other states. Due to fear of this, BJP leaders are making nonsense statements.

He said that the tenure of the state government has been just six months. This is the honeymoon period of any government. His government has done excellent work in this short tenure.

He said that if the recruitment scams in the Staff Selection Commission Hamirpur had not happened in the former Jairam government, the recruitment process would have been going on better today.

advice to the leader of the opposition
The PWD minister advised Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur, state BJP in-charge Avinash Rai Khanna and Trilok Kapoor to desist from such statements. He said that the Sukhu government is doing time bound and better work. BJP leaders are not able to digest this work. That’s why public attention is being diverted in the name of political developments in Maharashtra.

He said that the BJP leaders are not understanding that the BJP had to face defeat in the first four by-elections, then in the Vidhansabha and now in the Shimla Municipal Corporation elections. The same condition is going to happen to BJP in the Lok Sabha elections as well.

Opposition should raise the issue of budget cuts with the Center: Vikramaditya

Targeting the BJP leaders, Vikramaditya Singh said that if the opposition really wants the interest of the state, then the center has cut the budget, imposed a ceiling on the funding of external aided projects, talk about removing them from the central government. .

Vikramaditya’s attitude changed on UCC

Vikramaditya Singh said that whatever stand the party decides on the Uniform Civil Code (UCC), he will go along with it. He said that efforts are being made to change the issues as the Lok Sabha elections approach. To divert attention from rising inflation, unemployment and other matters, the central government has raised the issue of Common Civil Code.

Few days back Vikramaditya Singh has supported UCC.

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