Trying to control crowd in Tirupati temple: computer will recognize face, one person allowed to visit only once in a month

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Tirupati Balaji Darshan Process; Tirupati Mandir Facial Recognition System

Chittur (Andhra Pradesh)8 hours ago

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Face recognition technology has been introduced at the general darshan counter, laddu counter and Dharamshala for the devotees to stay.

A camera with face recognition technology has been started from today in the world-famous Tirupati temple located in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. Through this technology, the temple administration will be helped in improving the service for the devotees. Now a token will not have to be taken for darshan, so that devotees will be able to have darshan quickly.

First of all, face recognition technology has been started in the common darshan counter, laddu counter and Dharamshala for the devotees to stay. Due to this devotees who have been waiting for a really long time will be able to have quick darshan instead of repeated devotees. Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) has taken this decision to prevent misuse of free temple services.

Free darshan will be banned again in the month
The temple administration told that the devotees will be able to have free darshan once in a month. If someone tries to have free darshan more than once, the administration will get information about it through technology and it will be stopped. Similarly, this technology will also help in allotting rooms.

Face recognition technology will work like this…
This face recognition technology works in the same way as it is used to unlock the user mobile. In this, such software has been used that can identify the face on the basis of gender, age and emotion. This can also tell the difference between two faces. Constant updates are being made in this technology.

Both men and women donate their hair in Tirupati Balaji temple.

Both men and women donate their hair in Tirupati Balaji temple.

2.5 lakh crore is the property of the temple
The richest temple in the world in terms of donations is the Tirumala Tirupati Temple in Andhra Pradesh. The total assets of the temple are more than 2.5 lakh crore rupees. In which 10.25 tonnes of gold, 2.5 tonnes of gold jewelery and about Rs 16,000 crore are deposited in banks. There are a total of 960 properties spread over 7 thousand 123 acres at different places near the temple.

Things ranging from silver to precious stones, coins, company shares and property are also donated here. According to the market value, this property is more than all the businessmen of the country. Let us inform that, for the first time after the establishment in 1933, in November 2022, the Tirupati temple had announced its total assets.

Lord Vishnu is called Venkateswara
It is said about this temple that it is built on the seven peaks of Meruparvat, its seven peaks are said to be the symbol of the seven hoods of Sheshnag. These peaks are called Seshadri, Niladri, Garudadri, Anjanadri, Vrishtadri, Narayanadri and Vyankatadri. Of these, Lord Vishnu is enthroned on the peak named Vyankatadri and for this reason he is known as Vyankateswara.

Lord Venkateswara is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.  Lord Vishnu is believed to have resided for some time on the banks of a lake called Swami Pushkarni.

Lord Venkateswara is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is believed to have resided for some time on the banks of a lake called Swami Pushkarni.

The darshan of the entire idol takes place only on Fridays.
Balaji is seen three times a day in the temple. The first darshan is called Vishwaroop, which occurs in the morning. The second darshan takes place in the afternoon and the third darshan at night. The complete idol of Lord Balaji can be seen only on Fridays during morning Abhishekam.

Lord Balaji had given darshan to Ramanujacharya here
Apart from the temple of Balaji, there are many other temples here, such as Akash Ganga, Papanashak Tirtha, Vaikuntha Tirtha, Jalavithirtha, Tiruchanur. All these places are associated with the pastimes of the Lord. It is said that Sri Ramanujacharya lived for about one and a half hundred years and served Lord Vishnu all his life, as a result of which the Lord appeared to him here.

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