Torbaaz director Girish Malik’s 17-year-old son dies after falling off from his building in Mumbai


Film director Girish Malik of Torbaaz fame


  • Bollywood director Girish Malik’s son Mannan is no more
  • Mannan died on the day of Holi after falling off from the fifth floor of his building in Mumbai
  • Girish Malik’s ‘Torbaaz’ partner Puneet Singh confirmed his son’s death to a news outlet

An untoward incident has left the family of Bollywood director Girish Malik grief-stricken beyond measure. Malik’s 17-year-old son Mannan has died after falling off from the fifth floor of their house in Andheri, Mumbai. It is not known whether this was an accident or he jumped and died by suicide. This unfortunate incident has happened on the day of Holi, sometime in the afternoon. Malik is known for directing 2020 film Torbaaz, starring Sanjay Dutt and Nargis Fakhri, which was released on Netflix.

Malik’s partner in Torbaaz, Puneet Singh confirmed the sad news to ETimes. “Mr Malik’s son has passed away but I cannot say anything at the moment about what exactly happened. We are not in a state to speak,” he said. Reportedly, Mannan had played Holi and after he came back home sometime in the noon, this incident happened. He was even rushed to a private Hospital in Mumbai but did not survive.

Apart from Torbaaz, Malik has directed the 2013 film Jal, starring Purab Kohli and Kirti Kulhari. It is based in the Rann of Kutch. This movie is available for streaming on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. He has also helmed the Chitrangda Singh starrer Band of Maharajas, which is the story of Pakistani singer-activist Billo Mumtaz and her musical journey.