Today’s History: Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan and Roshan Singh involved in Kakori case were hanged

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  • Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah Khan And Roshan Singh Involved In Kakori Case Were Hanged

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After the Chauri-Chaura incident in Gorakhpur in 1922, Gandhiji withdrew the non-cooperation movement. The young revolutionaries were most disappointed by this decision of Gandhiji. Disappointed by the movement, the youth decided that they would form a party.

Hindustan Republican Association was established under the leadership of Sachindranash Sanyal. Yogesh Chandra Chatterjee, Ramprasad Bismil, Sachindranath Bakshi were among the important members of the party. Later Chandrashekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh also joined the party. The party believed that for India’s independence, arms would have to be taken up.

Ram Prasad Bismil.

Ram Prasad Bismil.

Money was needed to buy weapons. So the revolutionaries decided that the government treasury should be looted.

On 9 August 1925, the revolutionaries looted the train going from Saharanpur to Lucknow. The train was stopped at Kakori station and the guard was taken hostage and robbed at gunpoint. A total amount of Rs 4,601 came in the hands of the revolutionaries.

Ashfaq Ullah Khan.

Ashfaq Ullah Khan.

This incident caused an uproar in the British Government. Arrests were made immediately. Although only 10 people were involved in the incident, the government arrested around 40 people within a month. The judgment was pronounced on 6 April 1927.

Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaq Ullah Khan, Rajendra Lahiri and Thakur Roshan Singh were sentenced to death. Many were given sentences of up to 14 years. Two people were released after they became government witnesses. Chandrashekhar Azad stayed away from the grip of the police.

Roshan Singh.

Roshan Singh.

Indians strongly opposed the decision of hanging, but the British did not listen. Rajendra Lahiri was first hanged on 17 December 1927 in Gonda Jail. On this day in 1927, Ramprasad Bismil was hanged in Gorakhpur Jail, Ashfaq Ullah Khan in Faizabad Jail and Roshan Singh in Allahabad.

1983: Football World Cup trophy was stolen in Brazil

Brazil is the most successful team in football. He has won the World Cup five times. But, there is also such a story of football associated with him, which he would like to forget. It is 19 December 1983. On this day the Jules Rime Trophy (at that time the FIFA World Cup trophy was known by this name) was stolen in Rio-de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil. The trophy was kept in a bulletproof glass show case at the headquarters of the Brazilian Football Association. But, its back part was of wood. The thieves stole the trophy by breaking the back part with a hammer. The stolen trophy has not been found even after a lapse of more than three decades.

By the way, this was not the first time that the Football World Cup trophy was stolen. In 1966 also this trophy was stolen from Westminster Hall in central London. However, seven days later, a dog named Pickles discovered it in the garrison of a house. Where this trophy was lying in a newspaper.

The day of December 19 is remembered in history because of what other important events…

2012Park Geun-hye was elected the first female President of South Korea. However, in 2017 he was removed from the post due to corruption. In August 2018, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

2007: Time magazine named Russian President Vladimir Putin as ‘Person of the Year’.

1998: The US House of Representatives impeached then-President Bill Clinton. However, he was acquitted by the upper house of the Senate.

1997: Titanic released one of the highest grossing films in history. The film starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet in the lead roles.

1984Signed an agreement between China and Britain to return Hong Kong to China by 1997.

1974: Ricky Ponting, former Australian cricket player and World Cup winning captain, was born.

1961: Goa got freedom from the slavery of Portugal. Under Operation Vijay, Indian troops liberated Goa, Daman and Diu from Portugal.

1941: German dictator Adolf Hitler took full command of the army and became the Commander-in-Chief of the German army.

1934: Pratibha Patil, India’s first and ever only female President, was born.

1842: The US recognized Hawaii as a province.

1154: King Henry II became Emperor of England.

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