Today’s history: 67 years ago McDonald’s opened the first branch, now more than 36 thousand outlets in more than 100 countries

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  • Today History (Aaj Ka Itihas) 15 April | McDonald’s Brothers’s Journey And California Restaurant 1st Branch

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The story dates back to the 1940s. Two brothers, Rick and Mack McDonald, opened a small restaurant in California. Its specialty was that there were only 2-4 food items in the menu here. Because of this, the taste and quality of the food always remained the same, the time taken for ordering was also less. People liked this thing and their business slowly started gaining momentum. When the orders started coming in more, both the brothers also bought some machines for their timely delivery. These also included mixers making milkshakes.

Here is the entry of the Ray Cross. Ray Cross had spent 25 years of his life doing different things. Like playing the piano, driving and selling mixers as a salesman. Ray Krauss noticed that the same restaurant in California had bought 6 mixers from him. Ray thought that why not go and see what these people are doing with so many mixers. Ray came to California to see that restaurant. Here he saw that the restaurant is small, but there is a line of eaters.

Ray asked a person in line that there are other restaurants in California, but why is it so crowded here? The answer of the front was that here you will get a good burger for 15 cents, that too in less time. Ray got the point. He negotiated with Rick and Make to take the franchise of the restaurant. The deal was done and Ray got the franchise.

On 15 April 1955 i.e. on this day, Ray opened the first McDonald’s branch. You know what happened after that. Today the company has more than 36,000 outlets in more than 100 countries. Every day around 5 crore people order food from here. Due to this the restaurant earns more than 5 billion rupees. The company’s revenue in 2020 was $ 19.21 billion i.e. 144 thousand crores.

Ups and downs in India

McDonald’s entered the Indian market in 1996. There were more challenges here. Before this McDonald’s had never started a business in a country where vegetarianism was a priority. Beef and pork were also included in the menu at McDonald’s outside India, but here it was a matter of faith, so it was decided that beef and pork would not be on the menu.

The company selected 2 partners here – Vikram Bakshi and Amit Jatia. Bakshi was given the responsibility of handling the restaurant in North-East India and Jatiya in South-West India. But it was not that easy either. There was a 25-year agreement with these two partners, but the company had a dispute with Vikram Bakshi before that. The matter reached the court and finally the settlement was reached in 2019. The company suffered losses due to the dispute. Many restaurants closed. From 1996 to 2019, the company had a loss of about Rs 421 crore. At present, the company has more than 500 restaurants in India.

Leonardo da Vinci was born

Leonardo da Vinci means Leonardo, a resident of Vinci. Leonardo never received his father’s last name, as his parents were not married at the time of his birth. Born on 15 April 1452, Leonardo da Vinci began making sculptures as a hobby at the age of 14. At this age he made such sculptures, which were admired by all. Seeing his talent, his father sent him to a well-known sculptor. After this Leonardo da Vinci never looked back.

His famous painting Monalisa is in the Louvre Museum in Paris, the capital of France. Every year millions of people reach the Louvre to see it. Most research has been done on Monalisa painting in the whole world, even after that it remains the most mysterious painting till date. It is said that Leonardo used to make frequent changes in this painting, because he felt that this painting was not yet fully made.

What else happened in history on 15th April

2019: A fire broke out at the Notre-Dame Cathedral, a historic cathedral in the French capital, Paris. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1991.

2004: French President Jacques Chirac signed a law that banned the wearing of religious symbols in public schools.

1994: India signed the General Agreement of Trade and Tariffs ie ‘GATT’ agreement with 124 other countries.

1981: The hijacked Boeing 720 plane of Pakistan Airways was rescued from Syria two weeks later. To rescue the 147 people aboard, the Pakistan government had to release 54 people who were in jail.

1980: 6 non-government banks were nationalized in India.

1976: India announced sending its envoy to Beijing for the first time in 15 years.

1948: Establishment of Himachal Pradesh.

1940: Born Sultan Khan, India’s famous sarangi player and classical singer.

1923: Insulin became available in the market for people suffering from diabetes.

1689: France declared war on Spain.

1563: Birth of Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru of the Sikhs.

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