Three friends turned every supporter of Israel into a web explainer

Since the IsraelFAQs project was established at the beginning of November, surfers from over fifty countries have entered it to find answers to a multitude of false claims and fake news that is being distributed en masse on social networks against Israel.

The website presents a library of arguments arranged by topic and by issues or questions, including answers in the form of reliable answers that are formulated in abbreviated and broad versions, plus links to videos that surfers can copy and use in the advocacy struggle for Israel. was founded by three friends: Dr. Ron Adani, 36, and Yogev Lipchin, 41, from Rishon LeZion, and their friend, attorney Eli Kleiman, 42, from Rehovot. With the outbreak of the Iron Swords War, they decided to join the international propaganda effort.

In the beginning, they responded by themselves every day for hours to the lies they encountered on social networks, and after finding themselves repeatedly answering the same questions and trying to refute the same lies time and time again, they built a database of answers that shortened the response time and its quality. 

Available to all 

The resource has become a free site open to all surfers who come across lies on the internet and are looking for reliable answers to refute them and to all those who want to learn how to do effective advocacy. The answers are written in English and will be accessible in other languages ​​in the future. The site operates in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and pro-Israeli advocacy organizations.

Yogev Lifchin, one of the founders of (credit: Maariv Online)

Dr. Ron Adani explains: “Israeli citizens want to help with advocacy online, but they don’t always know how to answer, sometimes they lack knowledge or they articulate poorly in English. This is a very sensitive job. The web is full of lack of knowledge and lies that can be refuted quite easily with reasoned answers and links to videos uploaded to the web by other content creators.”

Adani adds, “We also think for the long term and want to preserve the resources and energies of the surfers to continue the advocacy in the future, and IsraelFAQs is a tool that shortens, streamlines and optimizes the information processes.”