Those last 26 seconds of Congress MP…: MP Chaudhary Santokh’s steps faltered, smiled and stopped then could not walk again

Anuj Sharma, Amritsar5 hours ago

Jalandhar MP Chaudhary Santokh Singh passed away during Bharat Jodo Yatra in Punjab. His last rites are being performed in his village today. The question is what happened to him in the last moments while walking that the physically fit MP suddenly said goodbye to the world. While walking with Rahul Gandhi, he narrates the agony of his last moment for 26 seconds.

Rahul Gandhi’s Bharat Jodo Yatra started from Ludhiana Toll Plaza on Saturday. MP Santokh Chowdhary had reached the yatra site in the morning itself. Along with Rahul Gandhi, he also started the journey. Even after walking for a quarter of an hour, he was walking step by step with Rahul Gandhi. But in the last one minute, a slight tension was visible on his face.

Read what happened in the last moment…

fumble the first step…
While walking with Rahul Gandhi in the video, Santokh Chowdhary realized his health. He was moving away from them one step at a time.

Then his feet faltered and he started falling. The young man walking along handled them. Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief Amarinder Singh Raja Wading, who was walking two steps away, also inquired about his well-being. This whole incident was completed in 3 seconds.

Then walk straight…
Within a second of faltering, MP Chaudhary had stood straight again. After this, he was walking with everyone for the whole 20 seconds. He was smiling at everyone and indicating that he was fine.

The steps stopped and turned back.
The very next moment MP Chowdhary probably realized what was going on with him. He retraced his feet, but his steps faltered again. The people standing around called out to his son – Uncle has fallen.

At the same moment, Rahul Gandhi turned back
Rahul Gandhi’s forward steps stopped in 1 second as soon as he heard about the fall. He looked back and ran towards MP Chowdhary.

During this Bharat Jodo Yatra, many people used to fall in front of Rahul Gandhi while walking. Rahul Gandhi would run and make him stand by supporting himself and he would then walk along. But, this time it could not happen. MP Chaudhary did not stand after that.

A minor and a major attack came from the video
Based on the video, doctors say that he had two attacks. There was a minor, after which he stood up. But there was another major attack. After which he could not revive. Not recovering even after giving CPR twice makes it clear that the heart attack was quite major.

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Lesson from the death of physically fit Congress MP: Doctor said – If you are above 50, do not do morning walk in winter, risk of stroke due to increase in heart beat

​​​​Jalandhar MP Santokh Chowdhary died of heart attack during Bharat Jodo Yatra. His MLA son claims that he did not have any heart disease or BP problem, yet cardiac arrest took his life.

According to the doctors, there could be two reasons behind the heart attack of the MP.

  • First Cold, it was very cold in Punjab today. While the mercury was 0.6 degrees in Bathinda, it was recorded 1.2 degrees in Amritsar. The Jalandhar-Ludhiana road also recorded a low of minus 5 degrees Celsius. In such a situation, the MP must have suffered a heart attack due to the cold.
  • SecondEarly in the morning, he had just walked 300 meters with Rahul Gandhi. On the way, he suddenly got pain in his chest. While taking him to the hospital, doctors gave CPR 2 times, emergency shock was also given, but his life could not be saved. Continuous walking increases the heart beat, which increases the risk of attack. read full news

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