This Natural Sunscreen Is Perfect Answer To All Your Skin-Related Issues

If you are possessive about your skin, then you must be using a variety of products for skin care. We all know that our skin’s best friend is sunscreen. We might forget to add make-up but sunscreen is a must, especially for sunny days and in summer.

Sunscreen helps protect skin against sunlight and pollution. Moreover, it protects against harmful UV rays. Have you ever seen the flip side of sunscreen? Sunscreens are chemical-laden and might affect skin especially if it is sensitive.

Have you ever heard about natural sunscreen especially when it is made at your home using natural products?

Here is the procedure to make sunscreen at your home.


Coconut oil – 1 quarter cup

Raspberry oil – 1 tbsp

Carrot seed oil – Oil 1 tbsp

Zinc oxide – 2 tbsp

Olive oil – 1 cup

Shea butter – 2 tbsp

Wax – 1 quarter cup


Except for zinc oxide, put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir them well. After that, put the mixture on a hot pan. Make sure the bowl is not in direct contact with the flame. Monitor the temperature of the pan to avoid the chances of the mixture getting burned or sticking to the bottom of the bowl.

Keep mixing the mixture well and now add zinc oxide. When all the ingredients, including zinc oxide, are mixed well and melted. Turn off the flame, and keep the mixture at room temperature for a short duration. Later on, pour the mixture into a glass container. Keep the container in the refrigerator. Here you have made sunscreen at home. Wherever you go outside, use this.

Keep these things in mind before applying:

Before using, please have a patch test. Apply the lotion to the skin and look for any irritation, rashes, or redness.

If you have allergic skin, do not use the lotion as zinc oxide can cause reactions and may lead to unwanted results.

Start using it in small quantities

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)

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