The world shocked by the killings of Indira-Benazir: the first murder of a brother for power, the murder of an Austrian prince killed 20 million

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  • The First Murder Of A Brother For Power, The Murder Of An Austrian Prince Took The Lives Of 20 Million

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Today is October 31st. 38 years ago today, the country’s first female Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was shot by her two bodyguards. The entire team of doctors at Delhi AIIMS kept trying to save his life for several hours. He was given 88 bottles of O-negative blood during this period. But Indira Gandhi, riddled with 31 bullets, could not be saved. Indira Gandhi’s death was officially announced on 31 October 1984 at 2:32 pm.

This murder shook the country. Every year the wounds of the murder and the anti-Sikh riots that erupted after this start to inflict every year.

Recently, former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe was also shot dead. In 2021, Jovenal Mousse, the President of the Caribbean country of Haiti, was assassinated by breaking into his home. In the same year, the President of the African country Chad, Idris Debbie, was also assassinated.

Talking about his country, Rajiv Gandhi, who was the Prime Minister, was also killed in a suicide attack. All kinds of conspiracy stories are told about the death of Lal Bahadur Shastri. Former PM Benazir Bhutto is also an example of Political Assassination in the neighboring country of Pakistan. Apart from these, things of conspiracy to assassinate many Presidents and Prime Ministers of the country have been coming to the fore.

On Indira Gandhi’s death anniversary, we will talk about the reason behind the killings of Head of States around the world, the thinking behind it and the political-social changes that will come in that country and the world. Let us tell you that a major reason behind the First World War was a political assassination.

First understand the concept of Murder and Assassination

Even when humans did not know how to speak, walk and light a fire, they used to kill each other. When humans did not know about weapons, then murders were committed either by biting with teeth or plucking with nails. Later, weapons made of stones and bones came into play.

According to the definition of ‘New World Encyclopedia’, ‘murder’ is the intentional act of taking the life of another human being in an unlawful manner.

This was the talk of ‘Normal Murder’. Which at the beginning of primitive civilization used to have a ripe fruit or to get a place in the cave. Nowadays, murders are also taking place due to reasons like affair, money transaction and road-rage.

Talking about ‘Association’, it is a bit different from Murder. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, when a prominent figure is usually murdered by a leader, it is called an ‘assassination’. Assassination is the killing of a well-known political figure for political reasons by ambushing or by suddenly secretly attacking. Assassination is done for political or military reasons. Its purpose is to try to eliminate his thinking with the politician.

The person doing the assignment is called ‘Assassin’ or ‘Hitman’. It comes from the Arabic word ‘hashish’. Which the Nizari Ismaili group used to eliminate political opponents. According to this, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, Premadasa, Shinzo Abe had been assigned.

After killing the brother in the first family of the world, the second brother became the ruler of the earth

According to the Bible, Old Testament, the family of Adam and Eve was the first family on earth. Adam and Eve had two sons – Cain and Abel.

Later Abel became a shepherd and Ken became a farmer. One day Cain and Abel thought of making an offering to the Lord God. Ken approached Jehovah with some of his grain and Abel’s sheep. Jehovah accepted Abel’s sheep, but refused to accept his grain, calling Cain a sinner. Due to this, Cain became jealous of Abel and he killed Abel and became the sole ruler of the earth. That is, for the sake of power in the first family of creation, the brother killed the brother.

Why and how does the thought of Assassination come to mind?

Professor Dr. BS Nigam, an expert in Sociology and Human Behavior, says – Our society was free in the beginning. Nobody used to rule anybody. But under the social contract, we gave some of our rights to the state, which gave birth to the ruler and the ruler. But there is often an anger in the minds of the common people about the state for some reason. Usually this anger is seen in the form of political protest, speech etc. But when this dissatisfaction exceeds the limit and with that thought that person starts knocking in the eyes of the public and the matter can go to ‘Association’.

Rulers are being killed for thousands of years

Killings to gain power or to oust someone from power have been happening for thousands of years. 1962 BC That is, 4 thousand years ago from today, Pharaoh Amenemhat I of Egypt was murdered by his own soldiers. Political killings are also mentioned in many civilizations. The father of Alexander the Great, who was called the world conqueror, was also murdered.

In the year 2021-22 itself, there were murders of many prominent politicians around the world.

Chanakya taught the policy to Chandragupta, Ashoka killed 100 brothers

You must have heard about ‘Chanakya Niti’. These policies were written by Acharya Chanakya in his book ‘Arthashastra’. In this 2500-year-old book, tricks have been told to run the kingdom and deal with enemies.

Chanakya was also the guru of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya. Later on, Emperor Chandragupta’s grandson Ashoka the Great sat on the throne of Magadha. To become the ruler, Emperor Ashoka got his 100 half-brothers killed. He threw everyone in a well. This ‘Agam well’ is still present in ancient Pataliputra i.e. Patna.

2 crore people died and 2.2 crore were disabled due to one Assassination

Would you believe that due to one murder, 2 crore people lost their lives and 2.2 crore became crippled. Yes; Exactly the same thing happened in 1914.

On 28 June 1914, Prince Francis Ferdinand of Austria accompanied his wife on a tour of Serbia. During this, someone killed the prince and his wife.

Francis Ferdinand was to become the next king of Austria. The murder caused great anger among the Austrians.

After which Austria, along with Hungary, attacked Serbia. Later, more countries went on joining from both sides and the First World War happened. In this war, which lasted till 1918, more than 20 million soldiers and civilians were killed and about the same number were injured.

A look at some of the most talked about murder cases of Head of State around the world-

US President Abraham Lincoln, watching the play, was shot dead by the actor of the play

On April 14, 1865, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, was shot at the Ford Theater in Washington while watching the play Our American Cousin. The man who shot was part of the same drama team. He shot Abraham Lincoln in the head during the performance itself.

Lincoln’s assassin John Booth was a well-known actor from a wealthy family. He was unhappy with Lincoln’s policies. Abraham Lincoln outlawed slavery in America. After which the trading of slaves stopped. Many influential Americans were very angry with Lincoln about this matter.

There have been 45 presidents in the 250-year history of America’s independence. Every 10th president was assassinated. Of these, 4 were murdered while in office.

The assassination of Kennedy, who helped India in the China war, is still a secret

The murder of John F. Kennedy remains unsolved to this day. The 35th President of America, John F Kennedy (JFK) proved to be India’s helper in the 1962 Indo-China war. It is said that due to his efforts, China had to retreat from the conquered areas.

Kennedy wanted to give military aid to India. For this he wanted to travel to India. But before this plan could be implemented, Kennedy, America’s youngest president, was shot dead.

On November 22, 1963, Kennedy’s convoy was heading towards the city from Dallas Airport in Texas. He was riding in an open car when three shots were fired at him from a building. Two bullets hit him in the head and one in the neck.

Later, a former American soldier named Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the Kennedy assassination. Was told he was a ‘communist’; Who assassinated the US President to please Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

However, the Warren Commission report said there was “no evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald or Jake Ruby were part of a domestic or foreign conspiracy”. The reason for this murder and the exact number of killers is still not known.

The PM was assassinated even before the neighboring country of Pakistan

Liaquat Ali Khan, who was the finance minister in the Nehru cabinet before partition, became the first prime minister of Pakistan after partition. He was Jinnah’s first choice. But Pakistan’s army and other leaders considered him a weak PM. After Jinnah’s death, attempts were made to remove him from power. Some army generals even attempted a coup; But he was thwarted.

After which, on 16 October 1951, Liaquat Ali Khan was publicly shot dead at a meeting of the Muslim League in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

The guards present there also shot the killer at the same time. Due to which it was never clear who was the real conspiracy behind the murder of Liaquat Ali Khan.

LTTE kills former PM of India and President of Sri Lanka in 2 years

LTTE i.e. Liberation Tigers Tamil Eelam is a militant organization demanding a separate Tamil state in Sri Lanka. This organization played a major role in the civil war in Sri Lanka from 1983 to 2009.

Around 1990, this organization became so strong that it assassinated the former Prime Minister of India and the President of Sri Lanka within two years. Both the murders were done with the help of suicide bombers.

On 21 May 1991, a suicide bomber of the LTTE detonated a suicide bomber on the pretext of garlanding former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, who went to Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, to campaign for the election.

Two years after this incident, on 1 May 1993, Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa was also assassinated in Colombo by a suicide bomber of the LTTE in the same manner.

Pakistan’s youngest and first female PM Benazir assassinated

Benazir Bhutto, who became the Prime Minister of Pakistan at the age of 35, was the first female head of state of any Islamic country. She was the PM of Pakistan twice. He was shot dead on the evening of December 27, 2007. On this day Benazir was returning from Rawalpindi after campaigning when her car was attacked.

Even after 15 years of this incident, the culprits have not been punished. The matter is currently in the Lahore High Court. Several suspects were arrested after the murder. But the Pak agencies could not present concrete evidence against anyone.

You learned how the murder of a prince sparked a world war. Here we are telling how much the life of the generations to come has been changed by the Assassination.

Sikh riots set up a neighborhood of widows, the wounds are still green

There is a mohalla in the capital Delhi, which is called Widow Colony i.e. Widow’s Mohalla. This locality came into existence after the 1984 Sikh riots. The lives of women living in different areas of Delhi with their laughing family changed with the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

Sikhs were selectively killed. More than 3 thousand Sikhs were killed in Delhi itself. After the riots a large number of women and mothers weeping for luck were left with their tears; Their house was looted, husband and children were killed. The gravity of the situation can be gauged from the fact that the government had to set up a mohalla in Tilak Nagar for the families of the riot victims. Where he was given a roof to hide his head. Even today 84 widows live there.

Pammi Kaur lives in this Widow locality. She tells that every member of her house was selectively killed in front of her in the riots. Somehow stopping her tears, Pammi continues- ‘ Most of the men in my locality were killed in the riots; Women were also killed. Some were raped and those who survived are living a life of humiliation and misery here (Widow Colony).

The women of this locality are paying the price for that one association which took place on 31 October 1984. For them, Delhi could hardly be a city like before 1984.

Graphics: Satyam Parida

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