The tragedy of a Delhi businessman: On returning from Dubai, Omicron turned out to be positive, then deployed 4 guards at home; forcibly sent to hospital

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  • On Returning From Dubai, I Turned Out To Be Omicron Positive, 4 Guards Were Deployed At Home..

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A young businessman from Delhi has alleged that after coming to Omicron positive, 4 guards have been deployed at the house to monitor him and his family. The businessman from Dubai returned to India on 4 December. As soon as he was re-examined at the Delhi airport, he turned out to be Kovid positive.

Sahil Thakur, 27, panicked when he was told that he was infected with the Omicron variant of Corona. Although till then he was in home isolation. He was stunned when the Omicron report came back positive two days later. Sahil said in a conversation with NDTV that I was surprised that how can I get Omicron infected? I requested to check again.

it was a stressful experience
Sahil told that when Omicron caught me, 4 guards were stationed outside his house in North Delhi overnight. So that I can’t leave the house. He said it was a stressful experience. Four guards are still stationed day and night outside the house for home quarantine to me and my family. Then they sent an ambulance and I was admitted to Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital.

what are we doing in the hospital
Sharing his experience, Sahil said that I did not have a sore throat, did not get fever for a single day. I couldn’t even tell that I had corona. There were 40 patients in the hospital and 30-35 of them had no symptoms. We were all wondering what are we doing in the hospital… why are we kept here. He refused to take any medicine without any symptoms.

Why take medicine without problem
Sahil told that I said why should I take medicine when I have no problem? Delta was so dangerous, but Omicron isn’t even a tenth of it. No one in the family got corona because of me. He said, ‘I don’t know why people say it spreads fast. There is nothing to panic. It is not lethal. I know 110%.’

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