The plane caught fire after a bird hit: extinguished after some time, the plane was going from Nepal to Dubai with 159 passengers

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A plane going from Nepal to Dubai caught fire on Monday shortly after take off due to bird hit. After this, the airport was informed that the crew members have decided to make an emergency landing of the plane. Although after a while the crew members told that the fire has been extinguished, the system is also working properly. Then the plane took off back to Dubai. There were 159 people including crew members in the aircraft.

Fire broke out minutes after take-off
According to media reports, Fly Dubai’s plane FZ576 took off from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal at 9:21 pm. The plane caught fire just minutes after take-off. Immediately the airport was informed about the matter and it was said that the crew members have decided to make an emergency landing of the plane. After getting the information, fire engines were put on alert at the airport.

After this, the crew-members started trying to make an emergency landing of the plane. However, after some time the crew-members told the airport that the system of the plane was working well. That’s why they will not make emergency landing of the aircraft.

At 11 pm, the spokesperson of Fly Dubai Airlines confirmed this at night as well. He told that the emergency landing of the flight has not been done. The flight will continue, it will reach Dubai at 12:14 local time. There were 169 people on board the flight, including 50 Nepali passengers.

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