The most dreaded tigress of Nepal.. had killed 436 humans: panic broke out in Uttarakhand; Bijnor’s tigress is called lady killer

Patna7 hours agoWriter: Manish Mishra

Tiger T-105 of Valmiki Tiger Reserve in Bihar had become man-eater. He had taken the lives of 9 humans. Thereafter orders were issued to kill him. Seeing his footprints, the shooters reached a sugarcane field. He was surrounded from all sides. Mounting on the elephant, the expert shooter’s team entered the field and fired 4 bullets at the tiger. This is not the first time that a man-eating tiger has been killed. Even before this there has been terror of tigers. The most feared tigress was from Nepal. He had killed 436 humans in Nepal and India. Read the stories of such man-eating tigers in Sunday Big Story, whose terror shocked people…

First the story of the man-eating tigress of Champawat
The story of this tigress begins from Nepal, the neighboring country of Bihar. The terror of this tigress first started in the part of Nepal adjoining Uttarakhand. When it started killing people, it was driven towards India. He camped here in Champawat district. After Nepal, there was so much fear of this tigress in India that people had vacated the village.

Dangerous tigress hunted 436 humans in India and Nepal. The panic of the man-eating tigress was such that even in the daytime people did not come out of the house. There was a complete ban on the exit of young children from the house. Fires were lit outside the houses, people stood guard all night and night to guard the children. Amidst the fear, the fearless tigress hunted humans more day than night and this is the reason that even today its name comes first in the man-eating tiger-tigress.

The story of the death of this tigress, who hunted humans in two countries, also became history. This man-eating tigress was killed on the mountain in 1907 by world-renowned hunter Jim Corbett after several attempts. It is said that the world’s most dangerous tigress was hunted at the hands of Jim Corbett.

The story of the one who got rid of the terror of tigers
From 1907 to 1946, Uttarakhand in India was haunted by man-eating tigers. In Champawat of the state, there was always a danger on the heads of humans who were being hunted by tigers. There was no place when who would become the victim. When the terror of tigers increased and humans started losing their lives, then the famous hunter Jim Corbett risked his life and took up the gun to save humans from the tigers.

Jim Corbett killed a total of 5 dangerous man-eating tigers along with the dangerous man-eating tigress from Nepal from 1907 to 1946. There is a forest area in Uttarakhand in the name of Jim Corbett, the government is trying to preserve the goods and places related to them. The Archaeological Department has also preserved many items related to Jim Corbett. Related sites have been developed. It is believed that Jim Corbett was no less than a god in saving humans from man-eating tiger-tigress in the frontier area of ​​Uttarakhand Champawat district, which is why he is remembered with great respect in this area.

Story of Bijnor’s tigress Lady Killer After the end of the man-eating tigress of Champawat in the 19th century, Uttarakhand was stunned by a man-eating tigress even in the 20th century. In the 20th century in Bijnor of the state, the terror of such a tigress increased that she became famous as Lady Killer due to hunting. This tigress, which kept humans on soft targets, killed more than 15 people, those who survived its attack were also unable to walk.

In the year 2014, there was a fear among the people of this man-eating tigress. Not only at night but also during the day people did not go out of the house. This man-eater had a habit, it used to take away the corpse of a human being too far after the hunt. The forest department team laid a lot of siege but did not even get a glimpse of it. A complete plan was prepared to kill the famous man-eating tigress named Lady Killer. Even after its terror was over, people were afraid of it for a long time, its hunting style was different which had caused fear among the people.

Story of man-eating tiger couple in Kumaon, Uttarakhand
Man-eating tiger and tigress made 64 humans their prey. The danger increased when the cub also became addicted to human flesh by living with the man-eating tigress. He also became a man-eater at a very young age. The couple used to hunt together, due to which the panic of humans increased manifold.

A man-eating couple hunted humans heavily in the surrounding 1500 square miles. Whenever the man-eating tigress used to hunt a human, she used to keep the cub along in eating the meat. Because of this, the cub had also become a dangerous man-eater. He also attacked more than a dozen people in a very short time. However, most of these lives were saved. Jim Corbett had also liberated the people of the area from this man-eating tiger pair. It is said that Jim Corbett killed the man-eating tigress after 8 rounds of fire.

In the 1940s, the area of ​​Bhimashankar in Maharashtra was haunted by a man-eating tiger that wiped out the dead body after hunting humans. After eating the meat, he used to make the carcass disappear. If any person was missing from the area, people used to believe that he was taken away by a man eater. Assuming this, he used to perform his rituals 7 days after the disappearance of the human being.

It is said that this was the specialty of that man-eating tiger that he used to erase the name of his prey. Author Suresh Chandra Waghle has written about a tiger that killed more than 100 people in the Bhimashankar area of ​​Pune, that only two dead bodies were found in its hunt.

Suresh Chandra Waghle was a constable and while on the job he saw the horror of a man-eating tiger. In his book, he wrote the story of a man-eating tiger who went missing after hunting. Big hunters failed to kill the tiger, later a hunter named Ismail of Ambe village hunted the tiger in a one-on-one fight.

The man-eating tiger, which had killed 250 humans in Rudra Prayag, Uttarakhand, had increased the fear at a very young age. In 1929, the whole area used to tremble due to the hunting of this tiger. Its biggest feature was that it used to pick up humans from the house at night and eat meat in the forest after hunting.

As soon as it was night, it used to come to the human settlement and take away some one or the other as a victim. It was Jim Corbett who saved the lives of humans by killing this tiger. In the year 1929 itself, humans were taken out of fear by killing a tiger who had killed about 400 people in Panar.

Story of man eater Tara who came to India from Britain

There have been many such tigresses who have come from abroad and have become man-eaters in India. One of them is the man-eating tigress Tara. Human blood was found in the teeth of Tara left in Dudhva National Park from a zoo in Britain. It is said that instead of hunting animals in the forest, he used to enjoy hunting humans. One by one he made his own morsel of 24 men. The terror of the tigress had become so much that it had to be decided to kill it. After a lot of effort, it was killed in the rescue of a special team of expert hunters.

The story of Jim Corbett’s last hunt

Jim Corbett, the famous hunter and who became the time for man-eating tigers in Uttarakhand, had his last hunt in Kumau, Uttarakhand. Jim Corbett had to struggle a lot to kill the man-eating tigress who had killed 4 people in about 3 months. It is said that Jim Corbett did recce for a week to kill this man-eating tigress. After much effort, he was able to kill the tigress. He has mentioned this in his book.

Story of a tigress who preyed on humans except animals

In the forests of Mysore, there has been a fear of a man-eating tigress, for which it was easier to hunt humans than animals. She used to leave her normal prey in the forests and go out to hunt humans. Coming out of the Jovalgiri forests on the outskirts of Mysore state, it used to hunt people in an area of ​​5 km. The tigress, who hunted 15 humans in the Jovalgiri forest, was killed by noted hunter Kenneth Anderson. Anderson has written in his book about the tigress that the man-eating tigress could not do its normal hunting, due to which it had made humans its prey. She hunted very cleanly, even missing the carcass from the hunting site.

Graphics – Nishu Kumari

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