The Maha Picture | Why are Sharad Pawar and Ajit Pawar Meeting So Often? Both Sides Puzzled – News18

A section of observers is also of the opinion that through such meetings, the Ajit Pawar camp is trying to show it has the support of Sharad Pawar. (File photo/PTI)

Why is Ajit Pawar making frequent trips to meet Sharad Pawar and, more importantly, why is the Maratha strongman entertaining his nephew who suggested he trade in party leadership for soft retirement? This is the question currently swirling in Maharashtra political circles

The Maha Picture

When Eknath Shinde’s rebellion publicly split the Shiv Sena down the middle, he didn’t go back to hold multiple meetings with Uddhav Thackeray. Why then is Ajit Pawar making frequent trips to meet Sharad Pawar and, more importantly, why is the Maratha strongman entertaining his nephew who suggested he trade in party leadership for soft retirement?

This is the question swirling in Maharashtra political circles more than two weeks after Ajit Pawar joined the Eknath Shinde-BJP government as deputy chief minister. The uncle and nephew held their second meeting in as many days on Monday at the YB Chavan Centre, puzzling MLAs on both sides.

Since joining the government on July 2 along with eight other MLAs, Ajit Pawar has tried to project the NCP as one unit, while claiming he has the support of majority MLAs. In Sunday’s meeting, however, the Ajit Pawar faction is said to have implored Pawar Sr to “find a way out of the current situation” and sought his “blessings and guidance”. On Monday, around 30 MLAs with the Ajit Pawar faction met Sharad Pawar with the same request, sources told News18.

The blow-hot, blow-cold state of affairs in the Pawar family seems to now have frustrated both factions, with sources saying leaders are demanding clarity on the situation. Sources in the Ajit Pawar camp told News18 that after Sunday’s meeting, some MLAs in the camp were upset. “Most of them were of the opinion that if senior leaders are trying to patch-up with Sharad Pawar, then why should they have to maintain their distance,” said an insider.

A section of observers is also of the opinion that through such meetings, the Ajit Pawar camp is trying to show it has the support of Sharad Pawar.

The NCP president on his part has remained mum. Maharashtra NCP president Jayant Patil on Monday claimed that the veteran leader asked his nephew’s faction how a way out can be found in the current political scenario when they had already cleared their stand in public.

Sharad Pawar’s handling of the situation and frequent meetings with the Ajit Pawar have also led to uncomfortable questions in the Congress and Shiv Sena-UBT on the equations in NCP’s first family.

On Saturday, Ajit Pawar had visited the Silver Oaks bungalow to meet Sharad Pawar’s wife Pratibha Pawar who is recovering after brief hospitalisation.

According to Congress insiders, Sharad Pawar’s silence could be attributed to his nature of playing his cards close to the chest. But the silence could cost him dearly if MLAs see it as a sign of political fatigue and sign up with the Ajit Pawar camp.

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