The love of a poor man’s son with the daughter of a rich man, the body of a teenager rescued along the railway line

The whole thing was going on like a fairy tale. The love of the son of a poor family with the daughter of a rich family. In the end, the body of the minor was rescued from the edge of the railway line. It all ended on the railway. Mother’s lap was empty. Incident in Shaktigarh area of ​​East Burdwan.

According to local sources, the two fell in love. The girl’s father is a sand trader. Owners of many properties. On the other hand, the boy’s father is very poor. The teenager’s father repeatedly told the teenager to get out of the relationship. But the teenager could not erase his girlfriend from his mind. Meanwhile, on Thursday afternoon, the teenager left home in the name of going shopping. After that he did not return home. The body of the teenager was recovered from the edge of the railway line on Friday night. Her family claims her family members killed her and threw her on the side of the railway line.

Meanwhile, the villagers started a blockade with the body of the teenager in Barashul area demanding that the police did not want to take any complaint. Later, the family lodged a complaint with Shaktigarh police station. The girl’s father has been arrested on her basis. However, the police are investigating whether it was a murder or an accident or a suicide. The matter may be clear in the autopsy report. Many people think so.
