The judge asked the lawyer of the rape-victim – can there be a settlement?: Said in the last hearing – read Manusmriti; Earlier girls used to become mothers at the age of 17.

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  • Gujarat Minor Girl Rape Case; High Court To Rape victim Lawyer On Settlement Possibility

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The minor rape victim has filed a petition in the Gujarat High Court seeking permission for abortion. Justice Sameer Dave, who was hearing the case on Friday, sought suggestions from the doctors on this. At the same time, Justice asked the victim’s lawyer Sikander Sayed whether there was any possibility of settlement in the case. In response, the lawyer said that it is very unlikely.

On this, the public prosecutor warned the Justice that his remarks could be criticized. Earlier, during the hearing of the case on June 7, the Justice had said that it is normal for girls to become mothers in 17 years.

Ask your mother and great grandmother, girls used to get married at the age of 14 to 15. Also, he had advised the rape victim to read Manusmriti. He had said that if both the girl and the fetus are healthy, then he cannot allow the petition for abortion.

During the hearing on June 16, on the suggestion of the public prosecutor, Justice Sikandar Sayeed said that he is not going to be swayed by praise or criticism. The judge should be situated, that means we should know how to ignore every situation whether praise or criticism. It is mentioned in the second chapter of Gita.

On this the lawyer said that I am worried about the wrong example. In response, Justice said that it would be good if you learn to ignore things. Justice Sameer Dave ordered the victim and accused Mukesh Somani to appear in the court in the next hearing.

Rape Victim is 16 years 11 months old
The rape victim is 16 years 11 months old and has a seven-month-old child in her womb. The girl’s father had approached the High Court for permission for abortion, as after 24 weeks of pregnancy, abortion can be done only with the permission of the court.

What comment was made by the High Court in the hearing of June 7…
worry because we live in the 21st century

On behalf of the victim girl, the lawyer demanded an early hearing in the court and said that the family is worried about the age of the girl. On this, Justice Dave said that the concern is because we are living in the 21st century.

Ask your mother or great grandmother, they used to get married by the age of 14-15.
The court further said, ask your mother or great-grandmother. Marriages took place by the age of 14-15 and girls gave birth to their first child before the age of 17. And girls mature before boys. Although you will not read, but you should read Manusmriti once.

Without disease it would be difficult to order
The court may consider granting abortion if any serious illness is found in the fetus or the girl child, but if both are normal, it would be very difficult for the court to pass such an order, Justice said.

Court ordered medical examination
The court had directed the Medical Superintendent of Rajkot Civil Hospital to get the girl examined by a panel of doctors to ascertain whether the unborn child was completely healthy. Justice Dave had also ordered a psychiatric examination of the girl.

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