The girl was hit by a car, VIDEO: Then the car entered the stall, the girl suffered head and arm injuries, the accident happened in Lower Summerhill, Shimla

Shimla2 hours ago

A girl was hit by a car in Shimla, the capital of Himachal Pradesh, whose video has surfaced. In Lower Summerhill, a car bearing HP number went out of control and rammed into the momos stall, hitting the girl. The girl has suffered head and elbow injuries.

There were 4 people in the car during the accident. It is a matter of honor that no one died in this collision. Shimla police reached the accident spot as soon as the information was received. The girl was immediately taken to IGMC for treatment. The girl has minor injuries on her head and elbow, but due to the sudden collision, the girl is in a state of panic.

Car seized by police.

stall owner’s goods wasted
At the same time, Ravi, who is selling momos by setting up a stall, says that the vehicle entered his stall after hitting him. Due to this his stall, table, chair and food items were all ruined. Due to the end of fast food at the stall, there was not much crowd.

Had the same accident happened 5 minutes earlier, there could have been loss of life. Shimla police also extracted CCTV footage of the accident, in which high speed is being told as the reason for the accident. The police have seized the car and the police are interrogating the four youths.

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