The claim of reduction in imports from China backfired: reduction in the use of Chinese goods is not possible until an indigenous alternative is found

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Unless An Indigenous Alternative Is Available, It Is Not Possible To Reduce The Use Of Chinese Goods.

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We are proving to be crude in terms of trade against China. The Chinese Customs Department has released the latest figures. According to them, the goods that we import from China, that is, what we buy from China, has increased by 21.7 percent and its figure has reached $ 118.5 billion annually, whereas China buys goods from us by 37.9 percent. There has been a decline and its figure has come down to only 17.48 billion dollars annually.

We were about to reduce the import of Chinese goods. We were about to reduce our dependence on him, but the opposite happened. He drastically cut down on our imports and we started importing more Chinese goods than before. The picture is clear. We are not able to give up our fascination for Chinese goods.

Actually, it is not the fault of any government or institution or organization. Imports really depend on demand. The goods which are in high demand are imported from outside or from other countries. Since Chinese goods are cheap, we are not able to give up their fascination.

We think that by not wearing cheap Chinese frills on Diwali, we will beat China, but it is not so. After all, where will you stop Chinese goods? We do not even know whether the goods we are using are Chinese or indigenous. Only the organizations that raise the slogan of Swadeshi raise this slogan using Chinese goods. Because it is not even realized to what extent Chinese goods have penetrated.

Although there can be juggling of figures but it cannot be so much. The trend is easily known. Overall, China’s hold on our market has become so much that it is not easy to reduce it. This requires a strong determination. Now the question arises that who should take this resolution?

Government alone cannot do this. It is not even in his control. It doesn’t seem possible until every child of India takes a pledge. This too will happen gradually. The penetration is so deep that nothing can happen suddenly or overnight. Freedom from cheap Chinese goods is water, if we want to adopt Swadeshi in true sense, then there will have to be a flood of manufacturing units.

New factories will have to be set up in large quantities, only then we can meet the demand of the market. People cannot just stop using something. For this, they have to be given options. Nothing is going to happen just by talking in the air without alternatives.

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