The biggest supermoon of the year today: The distance between the Earth and the moon will be the shortest, know when it will be seen in India

New Delhi4 minutes ago

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Tonight the distance between the Earth and the Moon will be the shortest, after which at midnight we will get to see the biggest supermoon of this year. A similar coincidence was also made last month, when the color of the moon turned completely red on the full moon day. This time the full moon is on Wednesday, which is being celebrated as Guru Purnima.

What is supermoon?
A supermoon is an astronomical event in which the moon appears larger than its normal size. According to the BBC report, the supermoon looks 7% bigger than the normal moon. Also it looks 15% brighter. Supermoons are seen three to four times every year.

The reason for the appearance of the supermoon is also very interesting. Actually, during this time the moon comes very close to its orbit while circling the earth. This condition is called perigee. At the same time, when the moon moves away from the earth, it is called apogee.

When will the supermoon be visible in India?
The time of supermoon sighting in India has been reported at 12.8 am on Thursday. However, according to the American space agency NASA, the moon will be seen only close to the Earth for the next three days. It may be called a full moon, but it will not actually be a full moon. It is only because of the size of the moon that it will appear to be a full moon.

After this, the event of supermoon will happen on July 3 next year. It is rare for a supermoon and a full moon to occur together, so you should not miss out on seeing a supermoon today.

What is the distance between Earth and Moon?
During a supermoon, the Moon will be only 3,57,264 kilometers away from Earth. Generally, the average distance between the Moon and the Earth is 3,84,400 km. At the same time, in the position of apogee, it increases to 4,05,500 km.

Super Buck Moon in July

The supermoon seen in July is also called Buck (Deer) Moon.

The supermoon seen in July is also called Buck (Deer) Moon.

The supermoon seen in July is also called Buck Moon. Buck in Hindi means adult male deer. This is said to refer to the time of year when the deer grow new horns. At the same time, in some places, the supermoon of July is also called Thunder Moon, because thunder and lightning are common in this month.

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