Tharoor said on Islamophobia: Modi’s support for increasing incidents of violence, PM should break silence on such situations

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Shashi Tharoor On Remarks On Prophet: Modi’s Support To Incidents Of Islamophobia, Modi Breaks Silence

New Delhi3 hours ago

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Protests are taking place in different places of the country after Nupur Sharma’s controversial remarks on the Prophet. Incidents of arson and deaths of people are coming to the fore from many places. Meanwhile, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor has asked PM Modi to break his silence on the increasing incidents of hate speech and Islamophobia.

Tharoor says that even in such situations, if Modi remains silent, then whatever is happening will be considered as PM’s support.

Tharoor said, Modi should stop such situations by moving forward
Shashi Tharoor says that PM Modi himself knows that with such divisive statements the country will never be able to progress, because the progress of any country is due to unity in that country.

He further said that the slogan of BJP is ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’. Now the time has come for Modi to come publicly and request people to stop such acts.

People came from UP for violence in Ranchi: A team of 12 people had reached Jharkhand from Saharanpur, incited the youth by praising the community.

Ties with Islamic countries will be weak: Tharoor
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said that in the last few years, India has taken many influential steps to build good relations with Islamic countries. Now if the incidents of Islamophobia continue to increase in the country, then our relations with Islamic countries will go on weakening.

For the first time in 50 years, India had become the special guest at the Conference of Islamic Countries.

For the first time in 50 years, India had become the special guest at the Conference of Islamic Countries.

Tharoor condemns blasphemy law
For the past few days, there has been a demand for blasphemy law in India. Tharoor has condemned the blasphemy law on this. He said that this law is there in many countries and it is being misused continuously there. In our country, if someone makes controversial or indecent remarks on any religion, then there is a ‘hate speech law and section 295A’. This law is enough to punish the guilty.

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