Thane: Keeping animal parts will give offenders 3 years’ ‘good luck’ in jail | Thane News – Times of India

THANE: If you thought that keeping illegal wildlife as a talisman will bring good luck, think again. There’s nothing lucky about the three years in jail or Rs 10,000 fine that keeping such illegal items will attract. Government officials now plan to crack down on those who buy, sell and keep such products.
It is a common practice, although illegal, among some to keep a male monitor lizard’s private parts, or black coral, due to the superstition that they bring good luck, said animal activists. These items are also used in black magic rituals or for vastu.

Most buyers are blissfully unaware that it is illegal to buy these items.
In September 2021, the private parts (called ‘hatha jodi’ in local parlance) of 50 monitor lizards and 250 units of black coral (aka antipatharians) were seized from a vastu consultant in Kalyan. Activists said that these items are sold freely by astrologers and vastu consultants, as well as shops selling pooja paraphernalia.
Sunish Subramanian Kunju, honorary wildlife warden and a volunteer with Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, told TOI, “We have learnt that vastu experts sell such things to businessmen, politicians and Bollywood personalities. We’d like to appeal to such people to refrain from buying or keeping such things as it could land you in trouble with the law.”
The going rate for these illegal items is anywhere between Rs 500 and Rs 5,000. A vastu consultant from Dombivli said, “After raids by forest officials, some have stopped trading in hatha jodi and black coral, but many big vastu consultants and astrologers from Mumbai still sell these secretly.”
Chandramani Yadav from PAWS-Mumbai said, “Due to superstitious beliefs, people use such items, which spurs killing of wildlife.”
A senior forest official said if people have information on report it to the local range forest officer.
