Terrorist attack on another non-Kashmiri: Bengali laborer shot by terrorists in Pulwama, taken to hospital

  • Hindi News
  • National
  • Terrorists Fired Upon Labour Named Muneerul Islam From West Bengal In Pulwama

Srinagar12 minutes ago

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Another non-Kashmiri in the Valley was attacked by a terrorist on Friday. Terrorists shot a laborer in Pulwama. He has been admitted to the hospital. His condition is said to be stable at present.

Police said that a search operation is being conducted to trace the terrorists in the area. The name of the laborer is Munirul Islam and he is a resident of West Bengal.

Grenade attack happened in Shopian on Tuesday
A grenade attack took place in Shopian, Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday. The attack took place at the house of a Kashmiri Pandit in Manihal Batpora area of ​​Shopian. The grenade was thrown targeting the colony of Hindus, but it fell on the CRPF vehicle. No casualties have been reported in this. Security forces are cordoning off the area and conducting a search operation.
Earlier on Monday evening, terrorists hurled grenades at two different places. The first attack was carried out in Gopalpora Chadoora area of ​​Budgam, in which a civilian Karan Kumar Singh was injured. The second incident is from Srinagar, where terrorists hurled a grenade at the police control room.

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