Temperature crossed 40 degrees in 8 states of the country: heatwave havoc in Bihar-Bengal; Mercury will fall by 2-4 degrees due to rain in North-West India

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  • More Than 40 Degree Temperature In 8 States And Heatwave In Bihar West Bengal

New Delhi10 minutes ago

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The central government has asked the states to make arrangements to protect the laborers from the heat.

In 8 states of the country, the temperature crossed 40 degree Celsius on Tuesday. Prayagraj and Hamirpur in Uttar Pradesh were the hottest with a temperature of 44.2 degrees Celsius. Baripada and Jharsuguda in Odisha also recorded similar temperature. The temperature was recorded above 42 degrees at 48 weather stations in the country.

On Tuesday, the temperature in many districts of Delhi, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan was more than 40 degrees.

Temperature will decrease by 2-4 degrees in North-West India
According to the Meteorological Department, Western Disturbance is active in the Western Himalayan region. Due to this, there will be rain in North-West India, which can last till 21 April. Due to this, there may be a decrease of 2-4 degrees in the temperature in the next two days and after that there may be an increase of 2-3 degrees.

Light rain in many states of North India including Delhi
Light rain may occur in many states of North India including Delhi today. These states include Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. In the next 4 days, there may be light rain in many parts of Maharashtra and hail may fall in Central Maharashtra.

The weather remained pleasant in Himachal Pradesh on Tuesday. There was rain and snowfall in many districts here. The hilly areas of Jammu and Kashmir also received rain on Tuesday. Clouds thundered in some parts of Madhya Pradesh in the early hours of Wednesday.

Center asked states to take care of workers
Amid rising heat, the Meteorological Department has written a letter to all the states and union territories asking them to make arrangements for protection from the heat for the workers and laborers. States have been asked to direct industries and construction companies to provide cool water to workers, stock ORS and medicines for heat ailments. Also change the working hours if needed.

Heat wave alert in these states
The Meteorological Department has predicted heat wave conditions in East India for the next 2 days. It includes Sikkim, Odisha, Jharkhand, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Yesterday there was severe heat wave in Delhi and Andhra Pradesh also.

This year it will be hotter than usual
Earlier, the Meteorological Department had said that from June to April this year, the temperature will be above normal in most parts of the country. At the same time, the heat wave will also be more than normal in the Central, East and North-West parts.

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