Telangana: Over 3 lakh cases settled in Lok Adalat

Published: Published Date – 09:27 PM, Sat – 12 March 22

Hyderabad: A total of 3,02,768 cases i.e., 19,761 pre-litigation cases and 2,83,007 pending court cases of various categories have been settled in all the districts as part of the National Lok Adalat organised by Telangana State Legal Services Authority on Saturday. Also, an amount of Rs 116.33 crores was awarded as compensation to the beneficiaries in the settled cases.

In pursuance of the directions issued by the National Legal Services Authority, the Telangana State Legal Services Authority organised the National Lok Adalat throughout the State for settlement of pending cases of various categories and also pre-litigation cases, according to a press release.

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