Teacher thrashed for scolding a girl: In Bengal, members of a particular community stripped the female teacher, brutally thrashed

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  • In Bengal, Members Of A Particular Community Stripped The Female Teacher, Brutally Beaten Up

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In West Bengal, for scolding a Muslim girl by holding her ear, members of a certain community took off the clothes of a female teacher and beat her up. This incident is from Trimohini Pratap Chandra High School in Hili police station area of ​​Dinajpur district. Four people have been arrested in the case and an FIR has been registered against 35.

Entered the office and assaulted the teacher
In Trimohini Pratap Chandra High School on Thursday, a class 9 student was scolded by a female teacher. A day later, the girl’s family members and some members of the community reached the school and complained to the principal. In the meantime, some people entered the female teacher’s office and beat her up by stripping her naked.

Demonstration against teacher’s beating

The local people protested against the arrest of those who assaulted the female teacher.

The local people protested against the arrest of those who assaulted the female teacher.

As soon as the information about the matter was received, the police force immediately reached the spot and got the matter pacified. Due to the misbehavior with the female teacher, anger was seen among the local people. People protested by blocking the road. Demanded action against the culprits.

In this case, the victim female teacher said that to keep the student in discipline, she was scolded by pulling her ear. Such an incident has never happened to me before. I am scared now.

BJP MP raised questions on police

BJP MP Sukanta Majumdar visited the area concerned on Sunday. He has demanded the strictest action against those who assaulted and assaulted the female teacher.

BJP MP Sukanta Majumdar questioned the police and said that even after all this, the police had not registered a case.

BJP MP Sukanta Majumdar questioned the police and said that even after all this, the police had not registered a case.

Majumdar said that I was a teacher. Many students have also been scolded. For a teacher, a student is his only. Here the hijab comes off as soon as the teacher’s ear is caught. That’s what happened. Due to such a trivial matter, his family and other two hundred people attacked the school.

I am surprised that the school principal did not file the report. The police did not dare to register a case. When people protested and blocked the road, then the police became active.

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