TC raped ticketless passenger: Husband left at Guna station with ticket; Threatened in Sagar and taken to railway quarters

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  • Sagar Ticket Checker Rajulal Meena Raped Female Passenger In Railway Quarters | Madhya Pradesh News

Sea6 minutes ago

A TC raped a female passenger for not having a ticket in Sagar. The incident happened on Saturday night. The woman reached the Cantt police station on Sunday and lodged a complaint against the accused TC. The police have registered a case against the accused on zero and handed over the matter to the GRP.

According to the police, the woman and her husband had left Guna for Sagar on Saturday. The woman’s maternal uncle is in Sagar’s Makronia. He had to come by Bhagalpur Express. They reached Guna station at 4.30 pm. After putting the wife in the train, the husband went to get the ticket. In this, the train started and the husband left at the station itself. The woman reached Sagar at 8.15 pm.

TC Rajulal Meena, who was doing duty as soon as he landed on platform number-1, asked for a ticket from the woman. The woman said that she did not have a ticket and her husband was left behind at Guna station. Said- The ticket is with the husband only. On this, the TC said to the woman – your challan will be deducted. Come with me to the elder sir, otherwise there will be an FIR. Due to fear, the woman left with the TC. The accused TC took him to the railway quarter in front of the Panchsheel petrol pump. Forced the woman in the room. The woman was let go at 9.30 pm.

Complaint about reaching the police station with husband
On the second day of the incident, on Sunday, the woman along with her husband reached the Cantt police station and complained. On the complaint, the police has registered a case against the accused TC. Cantt police station in-charge Gaurav Tiwari said that on the complaint of the woman, a case of rape has been registered against Zero. The case diary has been sent to GRP. The accused has been arrested and handed over to GRP. Further investigation will be done by GRP.

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