Tatanagar: Rail worker Sunil Pillay dies after attempting self-immolation to protest encroachment on leased land – Rail Hunt

  • Continuously requesting to give statement in front of DRM, railway officials were busy suppressing the matter

JAMSHEDPUR. Railway worker Sunil Pillay, who attempted self-immolation in protest against illegal encroachment on railway leased land in Tatanagar, died on Sunday morning. His treatment was going on at Tata Main Hospital. Sunil Pillay, senior technician at Tatanagar Electric Loco Shed, said that the plot number 53 land was given to his father on lease for 99 years. Railway Traffic is situated next to Colony’s Quarter No. T-45/7. On this, the officials of Railway Engineering Department and RPF are trying to get possession of businessman Omprakash Kasera (Prakash Store) illegally by taking money.

Sunil Pillay’s daughter

On June 28, RPF officers took Sunil Pillay’s wife and daughter into custody and took them to the post, who were protesting against encroachment and illegal construction on the leased land. Sunil Pillay tried to commit self-immolation by pouring kerosene on himself. Sunil Pillay, who was badly burnt, was admitted to the local Tata Main Hospital. Where he died on Sunday morning. Sunil Pillay’s wife and daughter have completely blamed the RPF and IOW officials for the incident.

In her statement given to the media, the daughter told that the officers who came without uniform forcibly caught her and took her to the post. Meanwhile, the father took a painful step. They kept telling that the matter is in the court, let the decision come, but they were not listened to. It is said that at the time of the incident, RPF sub-inspector Jitesh Rai, ASI Sandeep Pandey, RPF OC Sanjay Tiwari’s special Amrendra Yadav, Patel etc. were very active and the entire action was taken in the absence of the official of the local Bagbeda police station. Later the police came.

Tatanagar: Railway worker attempted self-immolation to protest against taking possession of leased land

Apart from Sunil Pillay, his daughter and wife alleged that businessman Omprakash had influenced RPF and IOWE officials by paying a huge amount to get their land encroached upon. Both said that when the land is not in the name of Omprakash, then why did the railway officials become active on his request? The daughter alleges that she was also offered a huge amount by the businessman for encroachment on the land.

Wife of Sunil Pillay

According to railway experts, there is no justification for rules like changing the name of leased land and power of attorney in the rules? If there is any dispute between the lessee then there is a provision to return or cancel the lease of the land? But in Tatanagar, a large number of people have sold the leased land by making power of attorney to others for a huge amount or have given it for use. Such cases are more than 80 percent of the total lease which are in the knowledge of the Railway Land Officers, but no action has been taken as per rules. Not only this, irregularities are being done in the construction by violating the conditions of the lease. Sunil Pillay’s death has put a question mark on the major works going on here ranging from misuse of lease rules. The role of RPF and IOW officials in this whole matter has come under the scanner.

Sunil Pillay wanted to give statement to DRM before dying

Railway worker Sunil Pillay wanted to tell the truth by giving a direct statement to the DRM after the attempt of self-immolation, but was prevented from reaching him. From RPF to engineering officials were trying to suppress this matter. Even during the campaign, engineers and RPF officials told Pillay that there is no law here, whatever the DRM says will happen. All this is happening in their knowledge and the action will stop even if their orders come. After the attempt of self-immolation, Sunil Pillay repeatedly talked about giving a statement in front of the DRM, but the railway officials kept on suppressing the whole matter. At last he passed away hoping to tell the truth in front of DRM.