Tamil Nadu Speaker gave credit of development to Christian organizations: If missionaries were not there, Tamil Nadu would have become another Bihar

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Controversy has arisen over the statement of the Speaker of Tamil Nadu Assembly. M Appavu claimed that Tamil Nadu would have become another Bihar if Catholic missionaries were not there. He has given the credit of development in Tamil Nadu to Catholic missionaries.

DMK MLA and Speaker Appavu had gone to participate in a program in Chennai on Monday. He made this statement in the same program. On the other hand, BJP has objected to Appavu’s statement. BJP spokesperson Mohan Krishna said that the speaker should apologise. His statement is completely communal. It also said that the mindset of DMK is anti-Hindu.

Speaker said, missionaries have an important role in his life
Speaker Appavu has also said that Catholic missionaries have an important role in his life. He has made his life.

Development credit given to Catholic missionaries
Speaker Appavu said that the Chief Minister (MK Stalin) knows that this government has been formed by all of you (Catholic community). If Catholic missionaries were removed from Tamil Nadu there would have been no development and Tamil Nadu would have been like Bihar. However, there is no statement from DMK or CM MK Stalin so far.

Missionaries carried forward education
After the ruckus on the statement, Appavu said that he was only telling about history. Christian organizations carried forward education and brought equality in the society. The speaker also gave credit for his own education to the missionaries.

Government showing humiliation to the Hindus of Tamil Nadu: BJP
BJP spokesperson Mohan Krishna criticized Speaker Appavu’s statement and said that the DMK government has always been in controversies. The agenda of this government is to humiliate the Hindus of Tamil Nadu and promote anti-Hindu propaganda in the state.

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