Tamil Nadu: Bed-ridden Mother Found Living With Dead Body of 55-year-old Daughter for 4 Days – News18

The dead body of the daughter was sent for a post-mortem at a government-run hospital, the results of which revealed that she died of natural causes.(Representative File: News18)

The 84-year-old mother, identified as Jomine, was in a bed-ridden condition and had been living with her daughter Sheela in the house on rent for many years

An octogenarian woman was found living with the dead body of her 55-year-old daughter for at least four days in Tamil Nadu’s Manali New Town, an area located near Chennai. Police said on Wednesday that the incident came to the fore when neighbours and the owner of the house felt a foul smell near the building.

The 84-year-old mother, identified as Jomine, was in a bed-ridden condition and had been living with her daughter Sheela in the house on rent for many years.

Hindustan Times quoted a senior police official as saying that on entering the house, which was not locked, they found the deceased’s body lying on the floor in a decomposed state, while her mother was in bed in another room. “We went to the house on Tuesday and found the bed-ridden mother who could not respond to anything,” the cop was quoted as saying.

Following the incident, the mother was sent to an NGO in Chennai named Ambagam that works as a rehabilitation centre for senior citizens. Police also said that the dead body of the daughter was sent for post-mortem at a government-run hospital, the results of which revealed that she died of natural causes.

Earlier this year, a 65-year-old woman in Uttar Pradesh’s Mohripurva area was found living with the body of her 17-year-old grandson for 10 days in her house. The matter came to light when the neighbours complained of a stench coming out of the woman’s house.

After police reached the house, the woman identified as Mithilesh was seen sitting beside the body of her grandson Priyanshu, which was found partially decomposed.

The body of the grandson was then sent for post-mortem while Mithilesh was sent for a mental health evaluation, the police said.

(with PTI inputs)