Talk to Pakistan to end the massacre in Jammu and Kashmir: Advice to Farooq Abdullah’s government, said- killing of Kashmiri Pandits will not stop like this

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  • Farooq Abdullah: Killings Won’t Stop Until Justice Served In Jammu And Kashmir

SrinagarOne hour ago

Former Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah’s reaction has come on the increasing target killing in Jammu and Kashmir. He said the killings in Kashmir will not stop until India talks to Pakistan on the issue. During this, he also targeted the BJP.

Why is BJP silent on Puran Krishna Bhat’s murder?
Farooq said that earlier the BJP used to say that the reason for Article 370 in Kashmir is target killing. Now it has been 4 years since 370 ended and now the attacks on Kashmiri Pandits have increased. If people were being killed in Kashmir because of Article 370, then why did terrorists kill Kashmiri Pandit Puran Krishna Bhat now. Does BJP have any answer on this?

He said Article 370 was not responsible for the killings. The reason for this is that the massacre in Jammu and Kashmir is being sponsored from outside. Kashmiris have no hand in this. In such a situation, it cannot be ended without talking to Pakistan.

Necessary initiative to talk to Pakistan like China: Farooq
The former CM of Jammu and Kashmir also suggested the government to eliminate target killing in Jammu and Kashmir. He said that just as India is talking to Beijing to resolve the border dispute in the Ladakh region, the government should also take the initiative to talk to Pakistan to end the genocide in Kashmir.

Referring to the Russia-Ukraine war, he said that we are not going to gain anything from the war. Two countries have been fighting a war for months, due to which the whole world is suffering. War will only lead to destruction and loss of loved ones.

Read more news related to target killing in Jammu and Kashmir here…

Killing of Kashmiri Pandit in Shopian: KFF terrorist organization took responsibility

On October 15, terrorists opened fire on a Kashmiri Pandit in Shopian district of South Kashmir. He was seriously injured by this. He was admitted to the hospital, where doctors declared him brought dead. Police said the deceased was identified as Puran Krishna Bhatt, a resident of Chaudhary Gund. Terrorist organization KFF has claimed responsibility for this attack. Read full news…

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