Tai’s head was smashed with a hammer, cut into 8 pieces: In Jaipur, the engineer cut the body with a grinder in the bathroom; body parts thrown in the forest

Jaipur3 minutes ago

The accused Anuj Sharma is being interrogated at Vidyadhar Nagar police station.

A murder case like the Delhi Shraddha murder has come to the fore in Jaipur. Here an engineer killed his real mother-in-law by breaking her head. After committing the murder in the kitchen, the accused dragged the body to the bathroom. Then brought an iron cutting grinder from the market. Due to this, eight pieces of the dead body were filled in a trolley bag and after getting the opportunity, they were thrown at three different places on the Delhi-Sikar highway.

On the complaint of the daughters, the police have registered a case and arrested the accused Anuj Sharma. The matter is of Vidyadhar Nagar of the city. Police said that Pooja Sharma (38), daughters of Saroj Devi (62), a resident of Sector-2, and her elder sister Monika had given a complaint of her missing and murdered on Friday evening.

Pooja and Monika are married. Brother Amit lives abroad. Pooja’s in-laws are in Bikaner. He told that his father had died in 1995. Mother Saroj Devi lived at Vidyadhar Nagar with uncle Badri Prasad Sharma.

Police say that the murder case is being investigated. The family will also be questioned.

Killed for stopping him from going to Kirtan
Police said that on the afternoon of December 11, Anuj killed and cut the dead body. Officials say the accused is associated with a religious movement. He was about to go to Delhi to attend her, but when Saroj Devi stopped him, he got angry. After this he carried out the incident.

After the murder, he tried to cut the body with a knife, but if the bones were not cut, he brought a grinder. The murder took place at around 10.30 am. For three to four hours after this, he kept trying to dispose of the body.

Cousin brother found cleaning blood stains
Actually, on December 12, cousin Anuj Sharma called Pooja and told that at around 3 pm on December 11, elder mother Saroj Devi had gone out of the house to give bread. After that she did not come back home. His missing report has been lodged at Vidyadhar Nagar police station.

When the mother went missing, Pooja and Monica talked on mobile and on December 12, elder sister Monica came to her uncle’s house.

Monica was at home on 13th December. In the kitchen, cousin Anuj was cleaning the blood stains on the wall with a cloth. He panics when Monica asks him. Said that I had got nosebleed. I am cleaning the one that got on the wall. Monika called younger sister Pooja on suspicion of cousin. On this, Pooja also reached her uncle’s house on 15 December with her husband.

mud thrown on body parts

According to the information, after the murder on December 11, the killer Anuj roamed around with the pieces of the body for about three-four days. He was also carrying a bucket along with him. Behind the Forest Department outpost on the Sikar-Delhi highway, he threw the dead bodies and poured mud from a bucket on them. After this he came back home with the bag and bucket. Here he also washed the bag.

The killer went to Haridwar
On reaching home, Pooja asks her elder sister Monika about her cousin Anuj. Monica told that Anuj has gone to Haridwar. When both the sisters talked among themselves, Anuj’s suspicion deepened. After this, both the sisters went to the police station on Friday evening and expressed suspicion of killing their missing mother.

Both of them got the case registered expressing suspicion on cousin Anuj. The victim sisters told the police that their cousin Anuj killed their mother Saroj Devi and disposed of the body. It is being told that the police have arrested the accused nephew.

However, why and how the nephew committed the murder will be disclosed by a press conference on Saturday afternoon.

(news is being updated)

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