Pranayama Benefits: How Yogic Breathing Helps Mental Health

The day-to-day demands of the contemporary world can take a toll on our mental health, causing…

What Is Laughter Yoga And How It Helps Couple Strengthen Bond – 8 Benefits

Laughter is often called the best medicine – studies have shown a good laugh can strengthen your…

‘Yoga For Health’: Expert Advocates Balanced Diet And Consistency – News18

Yoga also improves balance, circulation, healthy joints and bones. Savita Yadav said that during the festive…

5 Healthy Breakfast Options To Fuel Your Yoga Practice

Every year on June 21, the world observes International Yoga Day as a reminder to live…

International Yoga Day 2023: How Yoga Benefits Overall Health

Embracing yoga as a holistic approach can help prevent cancer, boost heart health as well as…

International Yoga Day 2023: What Health Institutes In West Say About Benefits Of Yoga

On International Day of Yoga (IDY), celebrated annually on June 21, people from around the world…

International Yoga Day: 4 Yoga Asanas For Deep, Restful Sleep

A good night’s sleep is very essential for maintaining one’s physical and mental health. But in…

5 Yoga Asanas to Practise Regularly to Improve Your Sex Life

A healthy sexual life is key to stable relationships, which in turn has a direct impact…

High Blood Sugar control: 5 Simple Yoga Asanas That can Help Manage Diabetes

Diabetes occurs when glucose or sugar levels in the blood remain elevated. The food we eat…

Yoga Asanas can reduce high blood pressure, enhance cardiovascular health: Study

Yoga benefits: A three-month pilot study of hypertensive patients published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology…