Should Healthy People Get Their Liver Tested Even If There Are No Symptoms? Experts Comment

World Liver Day 2023: Liver diseases are a significant cause of premature death and disability in…

World Liver Day 2023: Is There Any Cure For Fatty Liver Disease? Here’s What Experts Say

World Liver Day 2023: Fatty liver disease is one of the most common forms of liver…

World Liver Day: Autoimmune Hepatitis, Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s Disease — Liver Diseases

World Liver Day is observed every year on April 19 to raise public awareness about liver…

World Liver Day: 15% Of People In India Suffer From Fatty Liver Disease, Says Data

World Liver Day is celebrated across the world on April 19 to raise awareness about liver…

World Liver Day 2023: Know How Poor Lifestyle Damages The Liver

By Dr. Srikant Mohta, who is DM, Gastroenterologist, at Samaritan Hospital, Kolkata As we are all…

World Liver Day 2023: Theme, History and Significance

Published By: Nibandh Vinod Last Updated: April 19, 2023, 00:15 AM IST World Liver Day: Theme…

World Liver Day 2023: 8 Healthy Habits for a Healthy Liver

Making healthy lifestyle choices can greatly benefit liver health and help prevent liver disease Liver is…

World Liver Day 2023: 10 Foods To Keep Liver Diseases At Bay

April 19 is designated as World Liver Day and every year this day is observed to raise…