India Has World Class Facilities In Fish Processing Sector, Says Commerce Ministry

India has a robust regulatory framework for its 548 seafood units and it has set up…

Samsung Galaxy Watch Gets FDA Approval To Detect Sleep Apnea

Samsung has just received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use the…

Health Matters | India Bashing WHO on Cough Syrup Fiasco is Old Tale of Pot Calling the Kettle Black

It was October 5 when the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that India-made cough syrups could…

US FDA Approves First Drug for Hair Growth in Patients With Severe Alopecia

Although alopecia itself doesn’t cause a threat to one’s health, it can take a toll on…

US FDA authorises first COVID diagnostic test using breath samples

Image Source : AP/ REPRESENTATIONAL (FILE). US FDA authorises first COVID diagnostic test using breath samples…

US FDA gives full approval to Moderna’s COVID vaccine

Image Source: AP. A vial of Moderna COVID vaccine is displayed on a counter at a…

USFDA backs Pfizer booster shot for kids aged 12 to 15 – Times of India

NEW YORK: The US FDA has authorised the use of a third dose of the Pfizer…

Rapid antigen tests have reduced sensitivity against Omicron: US FDA

Image Source : AP/ REPRESENTATIONAL (FILE). Rapid antigen tests have reduced sensitivity against Omicron: US FDA.…