UK PM Rishi Sunak and First Lady Akshata Murthy Are the Wealthiest Occupants of 10 Downing Street. Here’s How

Rishi Sunak was formally announced as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on Tuesday and…

Liz Truss quits as UK PM: Sunak, Mordaunt, Johnson – Who are the front-runners to replace her?

London: Liz Truss’ resignation as British Prime Minister on Thursday triggered another leadership race, the second…

Why was UK Prime Minister Liz Truss’ tenure so short — and now what?

London: British Prime Minister Liz Truss took office last month with hopes and promises of reinvigorating…

Liz Truss quits as UK PM after 45 days in office, becomes Britain’s shortest-serving premier

New Delhi: Liz Truss on Thursday (October 20, 2022) announced that she is resigning as the…

Liz Truss resigns as UK PM after six-week stint in Downing Street amid ongoing economic crisis

Image Source : AP Liz Truss’ departure leaves a divided party seeking a leader, who can…

Rishi Sunak reacts after losing to Liz Truss in UK PM race: ‘Time to…’

New Delhi: Minutes after being defeated in the leadership contest to succeed Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak…

Liz Truss: Crown of thorns awaits new UK PM – Energy crisis to Brexit, 5 key challenges she faces

Image Source : AP She beat d Indian-origin former chancellor Rishi Sunak to be named the…

Liz Truss announced as UK Prime Minister, defeats Rishi Sunak

Conservative Party leader Liz Truss has won the leadership race against Indian-origin leader Rishi Sunak to…

Lizz Truss becomes UK’s third woman Prime Minister, beats Rishi Sunak; here’s what her victory means for India

Highlights Liz Truss is known for championing deeper India-UK strategic and economic ties Truss also undertook…

Liz Truss wins UK PM race after tough contest with Rishi Sunak

UK Foreign Minister and Conservative Party leader Liz Truss was elected as the next UK Prime…