UK PM race: Final countdown begins for Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss

The final countdown in the over six-week-long gruelling campaign for the governing Conservative Party to elect…

Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak? New British Prime Minister to be announced today

London: The final countdown in the over six-week-long gruelling campaign for the governing Conservative Party to…

Voting closes in UK Prime Minister race between Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss

Image Source : PTI Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss are the last contenders for the UK…

It’s the final countdown: Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss in last lap of voting for UK PM

The race to replace Boris Johnson as the Conservative Party leader and the British Prime Minister…

UK PM race: Team Sunak attack rival’s ‘magic money tree’ promises

Image Source : PTI Former British-Indian Chancellor and Prime ministerial candidate Rishi Sunak. UK PM Race:…

Rishi Sunak’s new campaign video for UK PM race: ‘Underdogs don’t give up’

Image Source : AP Rishi Sunak Rishi Sunak’s new campaign video for UK PM race: Two…

Rishi has what the job requires: Former UK minister backs Sunak in PM race

Former British cabinet minister Michael Gove on Friday endorsed Rishi Sunak for prime minister and announced…

US-based Indian organisation endorses Rishi Sunak for UK PM

Image Source : AP US-based Indian organisation endorses Rishi Sunak for UK PM Highlights A US-based…

Indian diaspora in UK organise havan for trailing PM candidate Rishi Sunak

Amid reports of Liz Truss leading the Prime Ministerial race against Rishi Sunak, the Indian diaspora…

Sunak on marriage to Akshata: ‘She is a total nightmare, clothes everywhere..’

London: Britain’s prime ministerial candidate, Rishi Sunak, has shared that there was “clearly something” when he…