Over 10% of pro-Palestinian Brits: Expel Jews from the Middle East – poll

Some 11% of pro-Palestinian British adults support the expulsion of Jews from the Middle East,…

Gazan support for a two-state-solution doubled since December – poll

According to recent polling, the proportion of Gazans who support a two-state solution has nearly…

Canadian parliament holds debate on motion to recognize Palestinian state

A motion for Canada to recognize a Palestinian state saw fierce debate in parliament on…

Israel-Hamas war: US finalises draft UN resolution on ‘immediate and sustained’ ceasefire in Gaza

Image Source : REUTERS Israeli ground operations continue in Gaza’s Khan Younis. New York: The United…

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron: Israel can’t have veto power on Palestinian statehood

The United Kingdom should recognize Palestinian statehood during a peace process toward a two-state solution…

Former PA PM says two-state solution still possible – interview

Recently, I had a series of meetings with Salam Fayyad, former prime minister of the…

India Calls For Immediate De-escalation In Gaza, Backs Two-State Solution For Israel-Palestine At UN

New Delhi: India has urged for a “swift de-escalation and renunciation of violence” in Gaza, but…

We need to talk about the two state solution – opinion

In the period leading up to October 7, the issue of the relations between Israel…

Resist the US, no Palestinian state after October 7 – opinion

The Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, marked a significant geopolitical shift in…

Hamas agrees to two-state solution, technocratic Gaza gov’t with PA

A Qatari source conveyed to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that Hamas has agreed to…