As Palestinian Authority’s fiscal struggle deepens, citizens feel the pain – analysis

[Ramallah] Restlessly, Mohammad stood at the cashier’s desk in one of Ramallah’s supermarkets. He was…

Two decades since 11M: Europe’s ongoing battle against jihadi radicalization

This week marked the 20th anniversary of the tragic 11m attacks in Madrid, Spain, renowned…

Family fears worst for captive in Gaza amid testimony of sexual abuse

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on March 8, 14 Israeli women remain captive…

The echoes of history, the challenge of Iranian totalitarianism – opinion

According to an aphorism frequently attributed to the American writer Mark Twain, “History doesn’t repeat…

Ukraine’s Zelensky holds talks with Saudi prince to push for peace plan with Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrived in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday and met with the kingdom’s…

Peace cannot be imposed, the peace camp in Israel is down but not out

Israel, in its 76th year, has survived wars and terrorism launched by its Arab neighbors…

Pakistan’s National Airline faces crisis as flight attendant vanishes

Yet another Pakistan International Airlines flight attendant disappeared in Canada last week after touching down…

Media bias strains Moroccan-Israeli relations as gov’t seek objectivity

Over three years have passed since Israel and Morocco signed their normalization agreements. Since then,…

Saleh al-Arouri killing deals blow to Hamas but conflict may still widen

The killing of senior Hamas figure Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut on Tuesday has checked off…

Douglas Murray: ‘AI is more moral than the president of Harvard’

Douglas Murray is a British journalist, political commentator, associate editor at The Spectator, and an…