UK Approves Pfizer Bivalent Covid Vaccine Ahead of Booster Drive

Last Updated: Sep 03, 2022, 6:48 PM IST The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency…

‘Completely New’ Covid Strains Possible This Winter: European Union

Entirely new Covid variants could emerge this winter but existing vaccines should protect people from serious…

ICMR-NIV Analysis Finds A.2 Strain of Monkeypox Virus in First Two Cases

An analysis of India’s first two monkeypox cases by an institute of the Indian Council of…

Genetic Analysis Find 2 Monkeypox Strains in US, Virus May Have Been Circulating Undetected

Genetic analysis of recent monkeypox cases suggests there are two distinct strains in the U.S., health…

New Omicron Strain, 1st Detected in UK, Likely More Transmissible Than Previous Strains: WHO

A new strain of the COVID-19 Omicron variant, first detected in the UK, appears to be…