Mumbai: One Dead, Families Rendered Homeless in Major Fire in Malad Slums

Fire fighters douse a fire that broke out in Anand nagar, Malad, in Mumbai, Monday, March…

Bangladesh: Massive Fire Guts Rohingya Camp In Kutupalong, Leaves Thousands Homeless

New Delhi: After a massive fire broke out in a crowded Rohingya refugee camp in the…

The Cost of Flats Handed Over by PM Modi in Delhi & How Much Slum Dwellers Have to Pay | Details

Prime Minister Narendra Modi handed over the keys to 3,024 newly constructed Economically Weaker Section-category flats…

Delhi BJP to Set Up ‘NaMo Sewa Kendras’ in Slum Clusters Ahead of Civic Polls

To ensure central government schemes reach the people, the Delhi BJP will open ‘NaMo Sewa Kendras’…

Business Blasters: Delhi Students Develop ‘Safe Kitchen’, A Gas Leak Alarm

New Delhi: With the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government launching its ‘Business Blasters’ programme, students of Delhi…