Unable to get enough sleep at night? 5 tips to get sound sleep for maintaining a healthy heart

Image Source : FREEPIK Tips to get sound sleep at night to maintain a healthy heart.…

Long-Term Sleep Deprivation May Increase Risk Of Alzheimer: Claims Study

Lack of sleep not only makes you feel horrible, but study has proven that it harms…

How Lack Of Sleep Reduces Cognitive Benefits Of Exercise? Research Reveals

A group of researchers discovered that regular physical exercise may protect against cognitive deterioration as one…

Having nightmares? List of foods to prevent bad dreams & trouble in sleeping

Image Source : FREEPIK Nightmares can be distressing and disruptive to our sleep patterns. Nightmares become…

Planning To Study All Night? Sleep Loss Of Just One Night Might Cause Your Brain To Age By Two Years

The study appearing in the Journal of Neuroscience showed that sleep deprivation for one night increased…

Insomnia: Gadget obsession to anxiety – 10 reasons why you are sleeping poorly

Over the past couple of years, many of us have struggled with sleep due to stress…

Women beware! Poor sleep can affect your career goals in life

It’s no secret that getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining physical health. Various negative health…

5 Health Risks You Face Due to Lack of Sleep

Lack of sleep does more harm than leaving you with dark circles. While short-term effects can…

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Heart And How To Fix It

Last Updated: July 07, 2022, 5:01 PM IST When the quantity and quality of sleep get…

Among Indian Adults, 55% Have Trouble Sleeping 3 Nights A Week

ResMed released the results of its ResMed Asia and Latin America Sleep Health Survey, which looked…